i. parties are cures

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I GREW UP with modeling, it's always been apart of me. My mother was a model back in the day, it was mostly nude shoots she would do. She didn't really give a shit about what kind of photos strangers would be taking of her. She didn't give a shit about a bunch of strangers seeing her. The only thing she cared about was drugs.

Sad story but true. My mother would do whatever shoot they asked her to do for her own benefit of getting money for the drugs she became so obsessed with. Before she got pregnant with me she was on different levels of euphoria, and not the good kind.

She craved any kind of drug, her mistress's she would call them. Depending on them became her only source of happiness. Not even her own family was good enough for her.

When she finally became pregnant with me with some one night stand on a fucked up high she immediately stopped. She didn't want to but the modeling agency told her they would never take her back if she didn't stop the drugs for 9 months.

For a druggie that's quite a long time. She did it, she went 8 and half months without her addiction. But even me being born didn't stop her from snorting lines or shooting up again. Mother hated me for costing her almost a year worth of money from modeling. She said she could've spent it on drugs instead of having such an abomination. She blamed me for her mistakes.

I was never taken care of. My mother's assistants or managers had to watch me usually 24 hours because their drugged up model Vicky would be unconscious and couldn't even provide a meal for me. They made sure I had everything I needed, they held an immense amount of pity for the daughter of a heavy drug addict with daddy issues.

When I was about 12 years old my mother had finally done it. She overdosed on heroin like it was her plan all along. I had no family. A 12 year old with no family. I didn't even know who my father was. For all I know he was most likely the same as mother.

You can imagine it was a shitty feeling. Vicky as I refer to her now left me high and dry feeling shitty inside because I wasn't enough to make her stay. Her manager took me in. It was a complete change of scenery. No half empty beer bottles in the fridge, no needles or dusty white powder on the coffee table, no working stove to make a proper meal, instead what I got was a fridge filled with fruits and vegetables, a working shower head with enough pressure, and even a proper bed to lay.

I had everything I ever wanted. A nice home environment that any child like me could have. The only downside was it was never really mine. I wasn't born into it, Vera, her manager was the sweetest when it came to providing for me making sure I was comfortable with whatever.

I still can't help but feel like I should be making everything my own and not feeling guilty for just being handed everything on a silver platter.

That's the reason why I got into modeling. Now you may be asking 'why would you get into modeling after your poor mother's downfall?' well I was a bit skeptical about what people would say but instead I decided to say fuck it and make a damn name for myself.

Vera was the one who suggested it in the first place she said I was 'model material' whatever that means. Apparently I had the potential, I thought I had potential to most likely fuck up.

She somehow convinced me, it might've involved a supply of chocolate bars. I'm a model but I wasn't going to stick to their standards of having such a petite frame that looks almost unhealthy, fuck that. I would eat what I damn well pleased and if they don't like it they can kiss my ass.

I was currently finishing up a photo shoot that would be featured in some magazine I had no idea of but Vera said it was a huge deal. I don't mean to sound cocky or an overall asshole but I was pretty well known around California and pretty much everywhere.

As my manager Vera made it her mission to get my name out there to which she did no problem. She was pretty big in this industry as well. I was eternally grateful for her but she didn't make me, I made myself known wether it be controversial or not.

I had a sort of rep of being portrayed by the media as the sweetest thing ever or I was a loose cannon. There was no in between.

"Great job Bri, these shoots are going to turn out amazing" my photographer Eddie said skimming through the endless amount of photos we took today.

"Thanks Eddie, I would expect nothing less when it's done by you" I flashed a smile wrapping my robe around me.

"Oh doll you flatter me" he grinned walking towards me. "You know there's a party tonight, apparently it's some big deal, lots of well known people supposed to be there" he said with an eye roll.

Eddie was someone who would rather keep in than be out. He was a pretty private person and I respected him for it. He was a great friend, plus the fact that he's indeed gay which makes things so much better, I'd rather not have some creep taking almost nude or completely nude photos of me.

"I don't know Eddie, you know parties aren't really my scene, too much assholes and not enough places to avoid them" I said beginning to open the door to the dressing room, Eddie following closely behind.

"I know doll but Vera also says it would be good for you to get out and have some fun for once" he expressed with a sympathetic smile.

I huffed out a breath "Well Vera doesn't know what's good for me and what isn't, if she did I wouldn't have to go, I would much rather be at home out of existing in front of egotistical dicks" Slipping into the bathroom I caught a glimpse of Eddie through the mirror who looked slightly panicked.

Ignoring it I was about to shut the door before I heard a someone clear their throat. Stopping in my tracks I quickly turned around and was met by none other than Vera who looked business as usual with her arms crossed over her chest.

"What was it you were saying about how I don't know what's good for you Brielle?" she questioned with her eyebrows raised.

I let out a sigh mentally preparing myself, Vera can be very scary when she wants to be. You'd think i'd be used to it by now but part of me will be somewhat intimates by her business like form.

"I just don't think me going to this party is a good idea" I expressed moving my hands in exaggerated motions. "I would be such a bore Vera and you wouldn't want that"

She stepped up to me looking at me firmly which made me squirm a bit. "You're going to that party and I will accompany you, this can be good for business" she smirked at me "Plus parties are cures"

I let out a frustrated scream knowing there was no point in fighting her in this. She was an affirmative woman, there was really no changing up her mind when she made it up.

Maybe this party wouldn't be so bad. It's never my scene, i'd rather avoid the dickwads of Hollywood but maybe it wouldn't hurt going out just once in a while, boy was I wrong.

did i just publish another
book? yes, yes I did.
i'm so excited to finally
start this book, I hope
you all enjoy. This chapter
was some insight on
the main character but
the drama will start next
chapter !! ((:

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