Chapter Nine

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"You don't win alone. That's just how it is." – Tobio Kageyama


"Um, excuse me." I asked the worker who looked at me "Do you guys have yogurt by chance?" I asked and the lady shook her head no

"I think one down the street might have on." She said with a smile

"Thank you." Was all I could say while I walked out of the store, then realized what down the street ment.

"I swear its all your fault Kageyama," I said while I started to walk down the street that went straight through the park.


-Kageyama's P.O.V.-

"Go," I say more sternly and she rolled her eyes before getting up.

"IF I GET KIDNAPPED ITS YOUR FAULT!" She yelled while she walked towards the door and slammed the door shut.

"Why would you get kidnapped?" I mumbled angrily while I started to take my boxes into my room and set them down.

'What confidence! You're the King all right!' Tsukisima's words replayed in my head

"Damn," I mumbled to myself while his words continued 

'I saw you at the finals, I still can't believe your teammates put up with all those selfish sets you tossed. I know I wouldn't. Oh, so that's why you're here. I bet they finally got sick of you.'

"DAMN HIM!" I yelled while I hit an empty box at the TV, causing it to turn on

'I took my anger out on her, didn't I?' I thought to myself while I realized why I made a big deal out of a thing of yogurt.

I sigh while I walk towards the TV to turn it off,  but the area the news lady looked familiar so instead, I sat down to listen.

"After multiple nights of girls scared to walk through this park, we can finally rest assured that our park is once again safe. Kasai Hokichi the once responsible for the kidnappings was caught tonight after he tried to kidnap a girl but a third party had stopped this." The news lady said when I realized L/N was on the TV screen.

"What did you think when the kidnapping was happening in front of you?" The lady asked L/N

L/N looked at the camera still a little shocked "Um, I didn't really have time to think..."

"So you just ran into action, like a superhero?" The lady said

"I wouldn't say superhero, I was just there so I helped." 

"Did it ever occur to you that you were putting yourself in danger? Like what if he overpowered you?"

L/n gave a small smirk before saying "I would blame it on yogurt."

"Why yogurt?"

She smiled before holding up a bag that had what was probably yogurt "Because I had a late-night yogurt craving, but I didn't have any on my side of the fridge so I had to go and get some." She said and then dropped her arm back at her side before asking "Can I go now?"

"Umm-" The news reporter said a bit confused while she looked at back at someone before nodding to L/N and so she walked off the screen and the News Lady went back to explaining the story.

"I guess that means she should be back soon..." I say to myself while I get up and turn off the TV 

'I'll apologize when she gets back.' I think while I continue to take my boxes into my room

-Your P.O.V.-

I walk away from the news lady and began to walk back to the apartment, but a cop stopped me before I could get too far.

"L/N, you are going to have to come with us to the station to get a witness report." The cop said and I sighed before nodding to go with him.

I found it a little weird that he had me sit in the back of the cop car, and once he started the car other police officers started yelling at him to stop but the cop still drove away.

"Why are they yelling?" I ask and he continued to look ahead while he said

"Because I'm not a cop."

"You're not?" I say trying not to sound scared, but failed

"Nope." He said and popped the 'P'

"Then who are you?"

"Kasai Matsuo. Kasai Hokichi older brother."


"The police assumed it was just one kidnapper, but really it was the both of us working together." He said and my eyes widened

"Everything would have gone to plan if you never interfered!" He yelled and I flinch

"Now, with everyone watching-" He said as sirens were heard from afar as well as a helicopter "We will die." 

"Die?" I Say as I bang my hands against the metal that separates us

"Yes." was all he said while he began to make the car go faster

"STOP!" I yelled while I noticed a spike strip ahead

"PLEASE!" I begged as we got closer

'Stupid Yogurt.' I thought to myself while I braced myself for the worst and within a second everything went black.

-Random P.O.V.-

"The police are chasing what they believe is the partner in crime of the recent kidnappings-" I heard the TV say while I washed my plate from dinner and I glance over at the TV that showed a helicopter's view of the chase.

"Wow, it went from a simple neighbor kidnapping to a full chase." I hear my mom say

"I feel bad for the girl." My Dad's says and I nodded

"All because she wanted yogurt," I say while I put my dish away and sit down on the floor since my parents are on the couch

"Police are trying to pull the spike strip-" The news lady said but before she could finish her face was full of terror.

We watched as the car lost control, and flipped a bunch of times before the front part of the car hit a tree. The police andsome other first responders quickly ran towards the car and opened one of the doors.

They pulled the girl out, and quickly rushed her to an ambulance.

"If she lives, she will probably have a though life." 


The End <3
Im kidding, of course its not the end! Anyways I hope you enjoyed! Tell me what you think in the comments!
Also I never watch the news or any type of police shows sooo it might not be the best....


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