Chapter Twenty-Nine pt.2

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"What did your mom want to talk to you about?" He asked causing the blood to drain from my face

"She wants me-" I started to say, but my throat began to feel swollen making it hard for me to speak, "She wants me to marry someone."

Kageyama grabbed my wrist, to stop me from playing with his hair before sitting up

"What do you mean by marrying someone."

"An Arranged Marriage."


"Do you know who?" He asked, neither one of us broke eye contact while I slowly shook my head

"I only know is he wants to become a doctor, and he is a volleyball player," I said making Kageyama silent, while I broke our eyes contact and stared at the ground

"How did you answer?" He asked after a few moments of silence.

"I told her I didn't want to-" I started before adding in a whisper "but I don't think she cares about my opinion."

"Then-" He said drawing our eyes to met once again

"Let's get married."


The final day of the camp came, all too fast and I thought I would be lucky enough to go back to Miyagi before talking with my mom again.

'He can't be serious about the marriage thing.' I thought the same question again for the millionth time while I picked up the volleyball that laid on the floor

"L/n, can you set me a few more?" Hinata asked while I rolled the cart of balls towards him

"What about Kageyama, or Kenma?" I asked because I wasn't meant to be a setter, and I didn't understand how Hinata could hit some of the sets I setted

"Kenma gave up already, and Kageyama is practicing by himself," Hinata explained

"Can you please set me a few more?" Hinata asked once again

"Fine, only a few." I gave in causing him to smile

"L/n." Ecoched through the gym, drawing my attention to the teacher figure that stood at the gym doors

"Yes?" I asked in a questioning tone while Takeda made his way towards us

"Your Mom is here to see you." He said with a small smile

"Ok, where is she?" I asked while I set the volleyball I was holding into the bin while I made my way towards my bag

"I'll walk you there since you don't know the school very well." He said while changed out of my shoes

"L/n, what about setting to me?" Hinata asked in a sad tone

"I set you some whenever when we get back to Karasuno," I promised before walking out of the gym door with Takeda

"Your Mom seems like a nice lady," Takeda said trying to make small talk while we walked

"Seems," I said bitterly, causing us to walk in silence

"She is in this office," Takeda said while he pointed at the door we stopped at

"Thank you," I said with a small smile before entering the office

"L/n, what took you so long?" My mom said while she greeted me with a smile, walking away towards the tall figure that stood on the opposite of the room

"You-" I said while I realized who the tall raven-haired boy figure was

"!?" He said in a mocking tone while

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