Chapter Eleven

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"There's only one thing to do in order to win. Practice practice practice. Even if you're puking your guts out, pick up the ball and continue." – Keishin Ukai


"Who is Kageyama?" I ask and Akina laughs a bit before saying

"It's his way or the highway kind of guy, you didn't like him."


"Yea there was this one time when he-" She started, but suddenly I couldn't hear what she was saying and everything went black.


I was surrounded by darkness, and in the far distance was a bright light.

'Where am I?'  thought to myself while I looked down at my hands, wondering how I got here.

"Now, with everyone watching-" I heard a deep voice say, probably a male's, while sirens flared in the background "We will die."

"Die? Am I dead?" I wonder aloud 

'I guess this is the best way to go, not having any regrets... Well, none that I can remember.' I think to myself

'I'll buy you one when I go to the store next time.' A sudden promise plays through my head and I tilt my head in confusion

"What was I suppose to buy, and who for?" I say when suddenly a bright light engulfs me.


My lungs sharply gasp for air, and I struggled for a moment but I quickly clammed down my breathing.

I looked around that room, but there where doctors all around me. I looked confusly up at them, when a familiar face pushed through the wall of doctors.

"F/n! Your alive." Akina said through her sobs while she wrapped her arms around my neck

"Y-yea?" I say a bit confused, while I stared at her for answers but before she could say anything my Mom quickly hugged me too.

"I should have never left you." She mumbled in my ear 

"What happened?" I finally asked

"We were talking about one of our classmates when suddenly you-" Akina said and I tilted my head in confusion, wondering if she was going to continue

"It doesn't matter, you are fine now. Thats all that matters." She said with a small smile before she excused herself from the room

'Why wont anyone tell me anything?' I wonder to myself 

Most of the doctors and nurses leave, while just one doctors stays back to do tests on me.

"So F/n, how are you feeling." The doctor asked while he examined my eyes and ears

"Confused." I say, and he gestures for me to open my mouth

"Why are you confused?" He asked while he quickly finished looking in my mouth

"Because I feel like everyone is not tell me something."I say and he helps lift me up, and I take a deep breath in and out

"Maybe they are trying to protect you from something." He says and I sigh

"I guess." I mumbled and he helps me lay back down and smiles at me

"Have you remember anything?" He finally asks me

"Now, with everyone watching-" I try to mimick the deep voice I heard earlier "We will die."

The doctors smile quickly faded and he just stared at me before asking "Did you remember anything else?"

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