Chapter Seventeen

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"F/n, where are you going?" I hear Akina ask while she catches my wrist while I walk down the hallway

"I was going to watch the boy's team practice," I say causing Akina to get a pained expression

"What's wrong?" I asked her and she looked down at the drown while she released my wrist

"I was hoping we could go to a tea shop, since we don't have practice." I hear her mumble, while a light tint of red covers her cheeks

"I already promised Kageyama I would come and watch," I said feeling back for not going with Akina, but at the same time I didn't want to let her down.

"Why that jerk?" Akina suddenly busted out saying causing my eyes to widened

"What do you mean?" 

"He has caused you so much pain, he is the reason why you lost your memories!" She says angrily and I looked down at the ground

"Yea, I know." I shyly say because I hadn't told Akina or my mom that Kageyama told me everything

Both silence and awkwardness surrounded us in the now empty hallway.

"You knew, and still hung out with him?" She said in a saddened tone and I couldn't do anything but nod

"L/n, why?" She said and I finally looked back at her

"Because he was the only one who told me the truth," I say and she just stared at me in shock

"I didn't want to tell you the truth." She admitted before saying "I didn't want you to remember the pain he caused you, Hinata, or even Him." She said referring to Kageyama

"Why didn't you want me to remember him?"

"Because I knew you liked him.... Even if you hadn't noticed it yourself, you looked at him differently than you did everyone else. Almost like you were looking at an adorable puppy.... and I was jealous. So I didn't want you to remember him, and I tried to avoid even talking about him. I tried to stop you from talking to him... Even with everything I tried to do, you still found him.... and you still looked at him like a puppy." She said with redden checks 

"Why would you be jealous, I spend most of my ti-" 

"Because I like you!" She admitted with her fists clenched, while she stared at the ground wide-eyed, realizing what she just said.

My eyes widened realizing what she just said, and she quickly looked up, averting her eyes away from mine.

"I'll see you later F/n." She said hurriedly while she quickly ran down the hallway

'Akina likes me?' I think to myself but before I could get too deep into my thoughts a voice interpreted me 

"You are still out here?" I hear Kageyama say and I quickly turned on my heel to face him

"Kagayama! Umm, did you just hear what happened?" I asked a bit flustered and he tilted his head while raising an eyebrow

"What did you trip on your own feet?" He asks and I pout a bit

"Why would I trip on my own feet?" 

"Why else would you be standing here alone?"

"I dunno, you're my stalker so of course you know why." I tease and girns before saying

"Yea, because you tripped on your own feet." Earning a playful punch from me

"Ok, stalker," I say while I started to walk down the hall

"Ok, bully." He says while he catches up to me

"Wasn't I brat the other day?" I ask while we walk together

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