Chapter Twenty-Nine pt.1

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"L/n, what are you doing here?" Hinata asks while I walked into the volleyball gym

"I came to practice," I said with a small smile, while my eyes quickly met with Kageyama's

"Aren't you suppose to be with your mom?" Kageyama asked me causing my smile to fade

"She- Um, She said she was busy and had some things to do, so she was going to meet with me on the last day of the camp," I explained while I set my stuff against the wall, pulling out my volleyball shoes

"Do you guys mind if I join you?" I asked, trying to break off the conversation about my mom

"L/n, I want to try and receive your jump float serve!" Hinata said excitedly with a child

"Fine, but only a few. I need to work on my spikes before the tournament coming up." I said while I grabbed a ball from the bin and made my way to the opposite side of the court

"Kageyama, are you going to join?" Hinata asked and Kageyama shook his head

"I'm going to take a break for a second." He said while he sat down, with a water bottle in his hand

"You ready, Hinata?" I asked while I let the ball bounce on the floor, earning a nod from him

I felt the ball roll off my fingertips while I started my approach 

'Marriage.' Rung through my head as I jumped, causing me to lose my train of thought and hitting the ball harder than I should have

"There is one that is going to be a doctor, he says he wants to meet with you since you are in Tokyo."

'Of course, she chooses a doctor.' I thought to myself

"But he is busy, he said he had a camp."

"Because I'm sure it will be love at first sight, he is so handsome and he plays volleyball."

'I wonder if that means he is here.' 

"L/n!" I heard my name called turning my attention to the worried pair of eyes that stare at me

"Huh?" I hummed in reply 

"Are you Ok? You had a weird look on your face." Kageyama asked me while he let go of my shoulders

"Yea, I'm fine," I said with a small reassuring smile before the door busted open

"Hey, Hinata do you want to join our game." A black and white spiky-haired boy asked while he walked into the gym, followed behind 5 others.

"I'm practicing with Kageyama, and L/n right now," Hinata explained while the spiky-haired boy looked over at me and Kageyama

"Then they can join, we can have a 4v4." He said while he mentally split us up into teams

"I was-" Kageyama started to protest but the spikey-haired boy didn't listen

"Let's have Kuroo, Lev, Tsukishima, and the girl all on a team. And then the rest on my team." The white and black-haired boy said causing us to line up with our teams

"Isn't this unfair?" Hinata asked

"No this is fun." A tall black spiky-haired boy said, causing me to look up at him

He noticed my staring and glanced down at me before smirking at me

"Let's flip a coin to see who serves first," Kageyama suggested and everyone agreed with a head nod while the black and white spiky-haired boy ran over to his bag before returning with  a coin

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