Chapter 4

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Leyla's P.O.V

The blond boy stood in the hatchway, looking down at his feet. Cutter immediately started glaring as Winger spoke about how he believed that Axel really had changed his ways.

"I don't believe it!" Dak said, sounding astonished.

"Dak! Could you at least try to see our side?" Winger asked as he threw the freshly gathered materials in the corner.

"No, not that!" Dak replied, walking up to Axel.

"I mean, I don't believe it! How did you escape? Isn't there a lot of guards? And... him?"

Dak looked plain interested, and not even a hint of anger shone in his eyes. Unlike Cutter, who would have killed Axel if he could shoot spikes with his eyes. I pat his back, trying to assure him that everything was alright. I heard him snort behind me as I joined Dak beside Axel.

"Well, I haven't seen... him, for quite a while. So no, I didn't have to escape that. Although I'm sure that when Magnus finds out I ditched him, he'll send him after me." Axel finally looked up as he spoke, scratching the back of his head.

"Why did you leave? You are Magnus's nephew after all. Don't you have luxury back at Finke Palace?" I asked the boy. He scoffed, almost laughed.

"Oh heck no! I'm a slave just like the rest of them. Luckily, what his guards have in strength they lack in intelligence. I was able to slip away by saying I saw a dragon, when I'm reality I didn't." Axel informed us. There was a gasp from the other side of the room. A purple and orange dragon came out of one of the tunnels that lead to a separate chamber.

"A-Axel?" Fireball the Ramblefang whispered. Axel turned his head towards what he heard as a soft growl.

"Oh my gosh..." his eyes lit up and Fireball ran toward him.

"My little Ramblefang buddy! It's been too long! How are you doing, boy?" Axel rubbed and pet the dragon as he rubbed against him.

"Axel you're back!" Fireball exclaimed again.

He was still young, younger than Sizzle, so his speech skills weren't as advanced. Axel couldn't speak dragon though, so it didn't matter much. Fireball romped around like Burple when he tastes a new kind of fish. Axel laughed at the dragon, happy to be back in his presence. It sounded like a real, genuine laugh, unlike the cruel cackle he used to use when he was around Magnus. A thought sprang to my mind, but I pushed it back. It didn't leave. He looks kinda cute playing with Fireball like that... maybe he had really changed his ways.

Aggro's P.O.V

Fireball and Axel were having a wonderful reunion. It was actually pretty entertaining to watch. Cutter didn't seem to like it one bit, however.

"Cutter? What's wrong?" I said, placing my paw on his. I loved to see his face turn red every time I did so. I know that most of the time, only Sharescales (dragon couples) would touch paws. But Cutter's reaction to it was so funny! However this time, I didn't get much out of him.

"It's Axel." He whispered to me.

"Why should we trust him? He's a Finke!" I opened my mouth to disagree, but I found myself kinda siding with him. Why should we trust Axel? He gave us nothing but trouble before. As he and Fireball started to settle down, I heard Cutter growl something besides me.

"What was that?" Leyla asked.

"Why were you at the Roost?" Cutter growled again, this time louder.

"Huh?" Leyla wondered.

"Axel. Winger said he found him at the Roost. So I'm asking, why was he there?" Cutter glared more at the boy.

"To see if there are any remaining items to steal? Perhaps the Dragon Diary for your uncle king Magnus?" My eyes widened.

"Cutter no!" I hissed.

"What? Just saying." He said.

"I don't exactly trust Axel either, but there's no need to be rude!" I replied to the Razorwing. He just rolled his eyes, which landed back on Axel, continuing the death gaze.

"What did he say?" Axel asked.

"Um. He asked why you went to the Roost." Leyla told him.

"Oh. Well I was tired of Magnus and his jerky self, and all the guards, the chores... everything. Finke Palace is an intimidating place, and I hate it. So big, so dark... so creepy. So I left. I don't want Magnus to be king anymore. It's become sickening, even just to think about. So I figured, if this village is in need of a rescue, find the Rescue Riders." Axel paused for a minute.

"I also thought I would be safe there. Away from Magnus's destruction." He finished.

"We have been training and trying to work on taking Magnus off the throne-"

"Dak! No!" Cutter cut him off with a hiss.


"Don't tell him our plan! What if he's a spy?" I nodded in agreement.

"I don't think Axel is working for Magnus, but I still think we should be cautious just in case he is." I said. Cutter nodded.

"Be cautious." He echoed. Dak nodded.

"Ok. I guess you guys are right." He said, the turned back to Axel.

"Do you really want Magnus to be uncrowned?" He asked the blond. Axel nodded.

"I would love nothing more." Dak nodded back.

"Good. We're gonna need your help. But first, I think we're gonna need a bit a trust building."

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