What Have U Done!

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Hello guys! This is a wholesome Naruto x Female! Kyuubi story. So, whoever doesn't like this pairing is free to leave before it can begin, thank you!

Also note that in this chapter Naruto gets sexual assaulted. I know its wrong to write things like this but trust me it is important for this story as you will come to know about in future chapters,

Now, this is an MA rated story because it contains a lemon between Naruto and female!... I don't know whatever counts as a minor in your respective countries, so if you are minor -I kindly request you that you leave before the lemon scene can begin or you can just skip it.



"Demonic Voice"


So without further ado, let's start with the story 'Mistress'


It is a magical world in which our story takes place. This wonderful world consists of humans and beasts of special kinds and races.

In this magical world, both humans and beasts have been waging war from the dawn of their creation, focused on proving their own species were vastly superior to the other. After countless wars that had been waged and after a sum total of three millenniums later, both species finally came upon an agreement of sorts and decided to live in peace.

Alas, despite the peace, humans still resented those beasts and beasts resented the humans and thus, both decided to form their own villages and live among their own kinds peacefully.

In this particular period of peace, we find a young boy, not any older than thirteen years of age with crimson spiky hair and eyes as blue as the brightest sapphire with slit pupils. An angular face full of baby fat and narrowed eyes. Huddled in an alleyway trying and failing to stop the shivering of his young body - of four feet and nine inches; which was rather short for his age - due to the cold weather that was accompanied by a light snowfall.

This particular boy was shunned by everyone in this village for as far as he can remember; due to some rather interesting traits of his which were: a set of three thin but stretched whisker marks on each cheeks like they were scars, a pair of crimson fluffy fox-ears with white tips atop of his spiky crimson hair and a single fluffy crimson tail with a white tip that protruded from just above his small butt.

Due to these traits, he was shunned from everyone in this village of 'humans' as they liked to call themselves and called him a 'filthy beast' that was tainting their village by his mere presence here.

The poor boy didn't know much about himself; he was an orphan and was kicked out of it at the mere age of four because: as the matrons of the orphanage liked to call 'he was tainting the other kids there with his filthy presence'. He only had a name and that was the only connection he had to his parents that died or left him on his own; he didn't know and frankly, he didn't even care now.

Since the mere age of four, he had lived on the streets and survived on the streets by eating from the garbage, occasionally going in the forest and eating animals from there, and sometimes stealing from other 'humans' and using that money to buy himself some food - which was charged three times the normal price and were often on the verge of expiration or downright rotten.

But the boy was happy despite everything and lived his life to the fullest; until one day when he was nine years old, an imposing man with white spiky hair styled as a mane; came to him and offered a chance to earn money, eat healthy food and have a roof upon his head. Being the innocent young boy - despite his rather harsh life - he instantly agreed and gave a bright smile to the imposing but kind man - in his mind - and missed the sinister grin that formed upon on the face of the man that damned his life while doing his celebration of finally having a roof atop his head.

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