Virginity Gone ?

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Two chapters in one day.

Welcome to chapter 9.

I think i deserve a follow from you guys and a vote :)



"Demonic Voice"



*Flashback Start*

He stared at her for a few moments and started walking towards her.

She noticed him walking towards her and her smile brightened up - only for it to falter a moment later at the sight of him. In crude and straight to the point words - he looked utterly miserable.

He stood before her and softly greeted, "Hey, Shion."

"Don't hey me mister, what happened to you? You look like someone killed your pet dog right in front of you and ate it as you watched helplessly." She fixed him with a serious stare which was filled with concern for him.

He shook his head and forced a smile on his face, "N-Nothing happened, Shion, don't worry about it! We are here for a date, aren't we? Let's enjoy it!" He said with as much enthusiasm he could muster at the moment - which was pathetically low.

She stared at his face and frowned, she shook her head and took his hand in her and started dragging him with her.

"H-Hey, Shion, the restaurant is in the opposite direction! W-Where are you taking me, ya know!?" He questioned as she continued to lead her somewhere.

"The date is canceled!" She replied without looking back at him and continued to lead him somewhere.

"W-What? B-But Why?!" He asked, utterly perplexed.

"'Cause you look so utterly miserable, Naruto!" She snapped back at him with a concerned frown on her face.

He stared at her in surprise and scowled, "I-I don't look miserable!"

She suddenly stopped and whirled around to face him and quickly invaded his personal space. She placed a soft hand on his whiskered cheek and softly said, "Yes, you do look miserable and before any crush or anything, you are my friend Naruto and I can't see you like this."

"I-I..." He tried to say anything to her but nothing came out of his mouth.

"Shhh, let's just sit down and tell me what happened, okay?" She gently said.

He mutely nodded his head and once again followed her, but this time he remained silent.

It didn't take long before she stopped again and pulled him along to the nearest bench.

Naruto looked around and realized they were at some park of sorts.

She gestured for him to sit and he obediently agreed to her and sat down on the bench, she followed his action and sat down beside him.

"Now, tell me what happened, Naruto?" She gently asked.

He stayed silent for a moment before he spoke softly, "I made her cry."

She immediately understood who he was referring to and couldn't help but frown. To be perfectly honest with herself, she was really, really, really envious of Kurama and why wouldn't she be envious? She had one thing she wanted for herself, Naruto and his love.

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