Lemon Part - 2

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Kurama obeyed and placed both of her hands on his broad shoulders, she climbed up on the bed with her knees on either side of him and sat down at his thighs. She looked down at his hard cock that was resting on her stomach -that was covered in some residual cum- and touching the underside of her breasts. She shivered at realizing how far he would go inside her, 'He will split me into two.' She thought in fearful anticipation.

She felt his hand on her cheek and tore her eyes away from his cock and looked up at his face, he was looking at her with a slightly sad smile.

Naruto traced his thumb at the corner of her slightly torn lip and softly said, "I am constantly hurting you, aren't I?"

She leaned in his touch and gave him a gentle smile, "I chose to do it, darling. The slight tears will heal in little to no time and this little amount of pain will not stop me from sucking your delicious cock again and again for the rest of my life~ "

He exhaled shakily at her seductive purr and favored her with a smirk, "Shall we continue then, Kura?"

She grinned in delight, "Please! I am dying to have this big, thick, monstrous cock of yours inside me, darling~"

Naruto smirked and purred in lust, "Then let's get you prepared~"

With that, Naruto gently captured Kurama's lips with his and started to trace circles on her lips with his tongue, she eagerly opened her mouth and let his tongue ravish the insides of her mouth. Both moaned in delight and Kurama started grinding her soaked womanhood at his thick pillar.

He continued to taste the insides of her mouth -completely fine with tasting himself in her mouth. Naruto brought his other hand that he was using to support himself forward and grabbed her bountiful breast with it, he started to knead her breast skillfully in his hand and she whimpered in their kiss.

They broke their kiss and he immediately latched his mouth to her creamy, slender neck. He started to suck at the milky white skin of her neck with the intent of leaving a dark hickey. Kurama tilted her head to the side to allow him even greater access to her neck and she wrapped her hands around his broad shoulders, "Mmmm! Yes, darling~! Mark me!"

Hearing her needy plea, he sucked harder on her skin and slightly bit on it to draw some blood, she moaned out loud and he eagerly lapped all the blood that he drew while marking her. He leaned his head back to admire his work and smirked at the dark hickey he left on her neck. Naruto continued to knead her breast and look in her eyes with a dark smirk on his face, "Now, everyone will know you're mine and mine alone!"

She whimpered in lust at hearing his possessive tone and closed her eyes with a loud moan as he brought his other hand down to her ass and started groping it as well.

Naruto lowered his mouth to her slightly cum covered breast and took her hard nipple in his mouth and started to suckle on it; all the while skillfully massaging her other breast and plump ass with his hands.

He bit her nipple gently between his teeth and slightly rolled it between his teeth. Kurama whimpered, "Bite my... nipple... harder, darling! Milk... me!"

He did just that and bit her harder and sucked on the nipple hard, fully intent on milking her -despite knowing it was not possible, he suckled her like a newborn thirsty for his meal.

"Oh, yes! Feel so~ good, Naruto!" Kurama moaned in utter pleasure, she could already feel herself getting close at releasing her nectar due to his skillful hands that were thoroughly pleasuring her.

He let go of her nipple from his mouth after thoroughly lavishing it in his saliva and took the other nipple in his mouth and placed the hand he was using to grope that breast on her lonely ass cheek that was not getting any attention. Naruto started to help her in grinding his hard meat against her wet cunt after firmly grabbing both of her buttcheeks.

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