I Love You

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Welcome back everyone. Hope you all are in perfect health :)

Today i'll post two chapters.

Thank you for giving my story a try.

So without further ado, let's start with chapter 8



"Demonic Voice"



Naruto didn't have any time to brace himself and fell down with Kurama on top of him - thankfully, his tails cushioned the fall for them.

She tightened the hold around his neck that she had and buried her face in the crook of his neck, she deeply inhaled his scent and her smile widened at confirming - he was really here. She gleefully said, "You really came back to me! You don't know how much I wanted you to come back to me, Naruto! Please! Please don't ever leave me, Naruto. I can't live without you, I really, really love you, Naruto. I love you so much!"

Tears of joy fell from her face at finally having him in her arms and admitting her love for him. She felt her chest getting thousands of times lighter at finally confessing her love for him.

He stiffened for a moment at hearing her but relaxed after a moment, he slowly brought both his arms around the small of her back and tightly embraced her. He buried his head in her hair and softly said, "I love you too, Mistress. More than anything, more than even my life itself, I love you, Mistress."

She felt her heart almost burst in sheer joy at hearing him and she almost squealed in his ear, but she stopped herself. Though she pouted, "Idiot, at least call me by name when you're confessing to me."

He could almost feel her pout and a chuckle escaped him, he inhaled her scent and softly said with a wide smile on his face, "Alright, I love you, Kura."

"Heh, first time calling me by my name and already shortening it." She teasingly said.

"You don't want me to?" He asked back.

"No! I actually love the way you called me just now, call me again by my name." She ordered him with a wide smile on her face.

He chuckled at her order and lovingly uttered, "Kura."



"Once more."

"Heh. Kura."

"Yes! I order you to only call me that from now on, Naru." Kurama joyfully declared.

"Of course, Mis- I mean Kura." He quickly caught himself before he could say mistress.

She giggled and pushed back, she sat up straddling his waist, his hands came down from resting on her back - on to her thighs. She looked down at him with a radiant smile, "You don't know how happy you made me by coming back, Naruto."

He looked at her with a sad smile, "I should have never left, I made you cry, Kura."

She shook her head negatively and gently replied, "It doesn't matter, what matters is that you came back to me and finally confessed. Though I was the one who confessed first." She softly mumbled the last part.

"But I hurt you! You! The person who took care of me for the last fifty years and that is how I repaid, by making you cry!" He vehemently said with a frown on his face.

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