A Date or Not ?

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Welcome back everyone. Hope you all are in perfect health :)

Thank you for giving my story a try.

So without further ado, let's start with chapter 4



"Demonic Voice"



50 Years Later


A single crimson furred tail with white tip returned back under the comforts of silk sheet after promptly shutting up the damn alarm clock.

A strangled groan came from the owner of the said furred crimson tail from underneath the silk sheets. The figure groaned a few more times before the sheets were thrown off from said figure's body.

The figure laid there for a few moments, basking in the warmth provided by the bed of the last fifty years. The figure sat up and cast his slightly blurred eyes on the digital alarm clock and noted it was 04:01 a.m. - he got up from his bed and with practiced ease found the door to his bathroom in the room with no light.

He opened the door of his bathroom and stepped inside, his left hand came up and turned the switch for the light on - momentarily blinding himself due to the sudden increase in light.

With his eyes closed due to the temporal blindness, he started walking towards the basin to start his morning toiletries activities.

Once he reached the basin and opened his eyes; the first thing he saw was his own reflection in the mirror in front of him. His eyes quickly took note of his fox-ears atop of his spiky, crimson hair that was slightly tamer than they were in his childhood. His hair reached till the back of his neck and covered the whole front of his forehead with two neck-length bangs framing either side of his chiseled, devoid of any baby fat - extremely handsome, whisker-marred angular face.

His once dull eyes were now brimming with warmth, kindness, and mischievousness. But perhaps, the biggest change would be: now, he stood at a proud 5 feet and 10 inches with eight crimson furred tails waving lazily behind him.

He stopped his inspection of himself and started doing his morning toiletries activities.

After twenty minutes he stepped out of his bathroom fully freshened and headed straight for his wardrobe. He opened his wardrobe and pulled out a black and red tracksuit.

He quickly wore it and walked out of his moderately large room, he closed the door of his room and swiftly turned towards the direction of the kitchen. Once he reached the large kitchen, he headed straight towards the double door fridge and opened the lower section of it. He pulled out a carton of milk and closed the door of the fridge.

Quickly and efficiently, he worked his way around the kitchen with practiced grace and made himself a protein shake. He swiftly gulped it down and put all the used utensils in the sink to wash for later.

After having his fill of protein; he headed straight towards the entrance door of the cozy house he has been living in for the past fifty years. Once he reached the door, he turned towards the shoe cabinet and opened it - he took out a pair of black running shoes and wore them swiftly.

He stood up and opened the door of his house and was blasted by the chilly wind of the early morning - a shiver ran down his spine from the sudden chill, but he quickly stepped out of the house and closed the door behind him and locked it with a spare key he always has with him.

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