chapter four

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chapter four // calum's p.o.v.

I clawed at the bathroom door of my humid bedroom. Yanking the door open, I pushed my body forward in a hurry to empty my stomach's contents into the toilet bowl. My eyes watering as I choked attempting to catch my breath. I flushed the toilet and put my mouth under the sinks tap, spitting and gagging up the left overs from lunch into my sink which was fucking disgusting. Food poisoning, great.

I looked at myself in the mirror my body damp with sweat, I furrowed my eyebrows my eyes almost dropping closed. I hit my body against the cool tile wall and coming into a sitting position on the floor. My eyes immediately shutting as my head leaned against the cold corner of the wall. Sleep coming over my tense body.


Knock. Knock. Knock. I groaned as I began to relax my now awake and stiff body, rubbing my eyes and yawning as I made my way off the floor. Stretching, I pulled open the door to reveal my sister, Mali.

"Cal?" She stared at me with a weird ass look on her face. "What the shit bitch were you doing in the bathroom at," she glanced down at her watch "quarter to nine in the morning?" I shrugged slouching slightly while walking past her, too tired to speak.

I made my way back into my bedroom falling onto the bed peacefully. The cool and fresh air now floating in through my window. I balled my fists at the horribly uncomfortable feeling bubbling in my stomach once again, ignoring it I focused on trying to sleep.

Knocking interrupted me again. "Calum! That's actually disgusting, what the hell is even in the sink. I think I might puke myself. Are you decent?" I made an inhumane noise signalling for Mali to come in. "I was gon- woah, bro, you're sweating like a pig. I'm gonna get mum!"

"Li, please don't she'll make me go to the doctors. I just wanna sleep... please" I begged, looking up ever so slightly at her face. Mali nodded.

"Yep, I'm gonna get mum." She left the room quickly

I groaned. "MALI!" I called from my closed bedroom door. I felt myself drifting to sleep when - knock, knock, knock. Swearing under my breath.

"Mum, if this is one of those 'tests' where you ask me to pee into a cup you can forge-" Suddenly there was a spring in my bed as a body fell next to mine.

"Cally!! I can't believe your sick as well, Dad was getting texts this morning that everyone was getting food poisoning and I had to check up on you" Amber frowned at me, reaching her hand up to my forehead. I was in so much shock as to how she had gotten into my house I just stared at her in confusion. "I'll be right back!"

My body relaxed instantly as she left my side and I calmed slightly at the thought of being taken care of for the next few days. Mum and dad would be on a trip to London and I was supposed to be staying with Luke but I guess I could stay home due to being sick. I laid my head back onto my pillows as I drifted to sleep with no interruptions.

I jumped in my sleep as cool pack slipped onto my face. I flinched grabbing it from my face and throwing it onto the bed below my stomach. I rubbed my face as I looked up over to my bedside table a note in the writing of my mum scribbled onto the post-it note.

Cal, your dad and I have gone to the airport! Mali is out shopping with her friends and should be back soon. That nice girl Amber is here to take care of you as she says! If you need anything just call us hunny xxxx

Amber was still here? I placed the note back onto the table and walked out of my room into the corridor. Passing rooms I pushed two doors open hearing a rustling of papers, "Amber?" I called out into the scarily quiet house.

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