You're Not Alone

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Lapis P.O.V.

I slammed the giant doors open and we stormed in. The room was empty except for a staircase and a large throne. It was facing a table with tools and metal scattered across it. The throne was faced away from us, so we couldn't see the gem sitting there.

"Who are you and where is Peridot!?" I yelled at the mysterious gem

A transparent figure appeared, flouting next to the throne. She laughed and looked at the mysterious gem.

"This is going to be fun!" Said the transparent figure, through laughs

Someone slipped off the throne landing on the floor with a light thud. She walked into sight, standing at the top of the stairs smirking.

"Peri..?" I said surprised

"What, surprised?" She said slyly

"But..Peri why?" I asked as tears ran down from my face

"This is my revenge. You left me. I want you to feel the pain I felt." She said, her cocky grin growing

"Peri please can we just talk this out?"

"Nope. Now, Yami."

Yami flouted to the ground and waltzed toward her. They held hands and fused. Now at the top of the stairs was now similar to Peridot with her limb enhancers. Except now she was covered in a black ooze, her eyes looked like a glitched tv screen.

"You did this to me." She said as she walked down the stairs

I took a step back, staring at the gem only a few feet away.

"How does that feel, Lazali?~" She asked as she held my chin up

I stared in horror at her. She had a cocky smirk on her face. Now that I was so close to her I could hear static noises. One of the tentacles on her back came flying towards me. Amethyst's whip wrapped around the tentacle and pulled it back.

"Get away from her Lapis! That's not P-Dot!"

I backed away from Peridot as she grabbed Amethyst's whip and yanked her towards her. Before Amethyst could be sent flying Pearl threw her spear at the rope, cutting it. Garnet charged towards her, but Peridot dodged and impaled her with a tentacle. Garnet poofed and Steven let out a distressed yell.

[I can't hurt her! She may be evil now..but it's still Peri...] I thought as I stared at the tall gem

Then a thought came into my head. A risky one, but I need to save her.

"Peridot." I said as I walked towards her

Amethyst and Pearl backed up and Peridot turned her attention to me.

"Peri, you need to calm down." I consoled

"I am calm!" She hissed as I came closer

"Peri, you're better than this. Please stop, we can talk this all out." I promised as I offered my hand out

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She snarled as she backed away

"I only want to help you. I care about you, just let me help you."


She was now backed into a corner. She had a distressed look on her face.

"Peri, I love you." I said as I wrapped my arms around her

I felt her go stiff, but she slowly relaxed and the static noise disappeared. I separated and looked at her. The eye glitches were gone and replaced with her emerald eyes. She looked away from me, clearly guilty.

"Hey it's okay." I assured as I pulled her back into back into a hug

The ooze disappeared, Peri became small again, and the transparent figure appeared.

"Take your stupid soul! You don't have enough sadness for me." She said as a bright light flashed

And she disappeared.

I looked at Peridot, who was now crying onto my dress. I let go of her and sat down, and she tackle hugged me.

"I-I'm sorry, i'm so sorry!" She whimpered through sobs

"It's okay, I forgive you." I said as I ran my fingers through her hair

"Lapis.." she whispered as she hugged me tighter


"I love you too."

I smiled and lowered her visor and kissed her gem.

"I FUCKING KNEW IT!" Shouted Amethyst

Me and Peri looked at the purple gem who was now grinning and flicking off Pearl. Peri giggled and moved her head back to my shoulder.

[I'll never leave you again.] I thought as I melted back into her arms

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