chapter 17

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okay first off...hey..  12k? wth that's literally unbelievable i've disappeared because i have no thoughts and every time i see your comments i feel so guilty. i cant promise steady updates but i'm trying. school is extremely stressful during this pandemic i hope everyone is safe and healthy. but yeah this chapter MAY be shitty depending on how i feel during writing.  i may have lost my touch but i wanna get back into things that i used to do. so yeah enjoy guys. i really appreciate you guys sticking with me and i hope you can share opinions to give me ideas or recommendations. it'll help tons. thanks


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"Yes sexy, do your thing, period." August chanted while he was taking my pictures. I laughed at his stupidity and continued posing. Once I felt like I was done taking pictures, I stopped being serious started making stupid ugly faces. August kept taking pictures. "Oh I'm keeping those." He said smiling devilishly.

"Noooo delete themmmm." I got up trying to grab my phone from him. But he held it up in the air knowing I couldn't reach it. I tried pulling down his arm, but he wouldn't budge. He began doing something on my phone and eventually handed it back to me. "What did you do?" I asked him snatching the phone from his hand.

"Ohhh, nothing." He smiled and walked away towards the bathroom. I just rolled my eyes. I to instagram and wanted to find a story to post of the many pictures i took and outfit changes.

"What are we going to do today?" I asked slumping down on the bed.  August came walking out the bathroom with his hair out and fluffy.

"Well i may need you to clock in today." He said with a guilty smile.

"What? Noooo, it's literally my day off. I had no breaks this week." I said as irritation began to rise.  August pulled on arms to get me to stand up.  I stood up slouching not really wanted to get up.  He wrapped his arms around my waist holding me close.

"You'll be fine, just a couple of hours and you have the rest of the weekend off. He kissed my forehead but the smug on my face never left. He signed, then pushed me back on the bed and he was on top of me. "You know, Christmas is coming up." He said staring into my soul. He ran his tongue across his bottom lip. My hips twitched and i nodded my head shyly, trying to shake the unholy thoughts out of my head. He got up off me and walked back into the bathroom. I sat up and let out a stressful huff and ran my fingers through my hair.


"Imani can you please get table 3 for me? I'm slumped with orders." Sasha asked me.  Sasha.  The only girl worker here who actually likes me.  Everyone else just gives me dirty looks.  But i don't pay them any mind, they're not bold enough to say anything to my face.  But the real problem, Jasmine.  I wish i can knock her head off.  She may not think that i know she was the one harassing August.  But it's extremely obvious the way she fawns over him.  But i don't let that stop me from getting my work done AND going home to him every night with OUR CHILD.  I walked over to table three and to my surprise Derrick was sitting there.  The guy i'm supposed to stay away from.

"Hi, Welcome to Aug's place.  Ready to get started with any drinks?" I asked politely avoiding contact by looking at my notepad and pen. 

"Ahh, Imani, how are you?"  He asked me.  I quickly looked up at him with a small but fake smile.

"I'm doing great, and you?" I questioned becoming inpatient standing here and engaging in pointless conversation.

"Good good, i'm doing okay.  I take a coke though." He replied not taking his eyes off me.  I wrote that down and nodded my head.

"Okay, i'll be back in a couple."  I left as that and when i got to the kitchen where the drinks are.  I let out a huge breath that i didn't even know i was holding. 


I walked out to my car.  It was already dark and i stared up in the sky.  Looking at the stars and the formed constellations.  I let out a slight smile, looking back down.  I reached in my bag to grab my keys.  I reached into my back pocket to grab my ringing phone.


"Hi love"  August's sweet voice came from the receiver.  My heart raced and i smiled big as if he were here to see it.  I used my shoulder to hold up my phone while i unlocked my door. I got in my car and locked the door immediately. i turned my car on and connected it to the bluetooth.

"Okay, i'm settled." I spoke into the phone while i adjusted to the heat.

"I didn't want anything, i just wanted to talk to you while you went home so i know that you're okay." I chuckled feeling the butterflies roam in my stomach.

"I'm fine August, i don't need a babysitter." I joked. I could hear him groan and i giggled from his dramatics. I pulled out of the lot talking and laughing so much, that i didn't even realize the car trailing behind me.


"IM HOME!"  I took my shoes off at the door and plopped on the couch from exhaustion.  I laid my head back on the couch taking a deep breath.  August came up behind me and kissed my lips.  When he pulled away i gripped his shirt to pull him back down to kiss him again.  I pulled away and smiled. "Hi."

"Hi." he replied kissing my forehead.  He walked to the kitchen and i got up.  I walked in front of him and wrapped my arms around his neck.  I kissed his lips passionately and his arms reached my waist.  My lips trailed down to his neck and collar bone.  He picked me up and sat me on the counter.  My legs wrapped around him and i scooted closer to him.  His hand was on the back of my head as my head fell back as he planted kisses on my neck.  I bit my lip out of satisfaction.  My hands ran across his chest and i kissed his lips once more.

"I want you." I kissed his lips, but he froze and the mood shifted.  "What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"N-Nothing it's just i can't do that right now." He said relaxing his shoulders.


"Because, i still feel guilty.  And you're probably thinking this should be the other way around but i can't shake the feeling, the noise, your pleads i just can't." He broke down and i hopped off the counter to hug him.

"It's okay, i still get flashbacks or spooked out about it, but i know you've changed and i know i can trust you.  To know that you'll never hurt me again or anyone else like that."  I caressed his face to calm him down.  "okay?"  He nodded.  I pushed our heads together to where our foreheads are touching.  I pulled back and smiled and held out my pinky.  "Pinky promise?"  He interlocked his pinky with mine.

"Pinky Promise."

August sat in his cell with his hands ruffling his hair. He walked up to the metal bars thinking that this is all a dream and that he just needed to wake up. A police officer walked up to his cell and opened the door. "Come on, time for your hearing." A suit was handed to him and he walked out of the cell. He wanted this nightmare to end.

not the best or the longest but i hoped you all enjoyed and i'll try to update the next one as soon as i can. thank you for your support.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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