Chapter 2

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I see Oliver in my next class English, and we sit together. Luckily, no Ellie in sight. He asks me how my first class was, and I said it wasn't too bad. Luckily our first lecture was on the difference between abiotic and biotic factors, so I could do that in my sleep. Unlike in English class, our teacher was already handing out worksheets and asking us to pull out some book while I clearly never got the memo to read prior to coming. Urgh, this was only the first day of class. How do you manage to assign homework for a class you don't even know you were supposed to be in? Now, I am starting to understand why the colonists decided to break free from the British. If the English were any bit tyrannical as this teacher, I would pour a whole lot more than just tea into the Boston harbor.

"Did Finley even speak to you?"

"yeah and the teacher called him out for it" I laughed.

"really?" Oliver is clearly surprised, but I'm not sure what by.

Oliver invites me to join him at lunch. Of course, Ellie and Kate and their gang, mostly other basketball cheerleaders join them. Aiden, Grey, Finley, and Henri join the table. They mess around throwing food and making jokes that I fail to understand. The girls talk about the latest gossip and who all is going to make the squad. I feel kind of left out until Aiden starts to interrogate me.

"So Cali, how's the British Isles for you"

"Okay I guess. Your school or shall I say academy is kind of Medieval and there's no surf here, very tragic"

"Cali, what do you like to do"

"She says she plays basketball" Finley turns to our convo away from Oliver, Ellie, and Kate who rolls her eyes at his lack of attention to her.

"She plays lacrosse" Oliver joins in.

"So, what can't you do?" Aiden asks. Is he flirting with me?

"Can you sing and act too?" Henri questions.

"Far from it,"

"Never starred in a movie or show?" Aiden digs.

"Not exactly"

"What does that mean?"

"Sorry some secrets are left in LA"

The bell rings for our lunch to end, so we head back to class. The rest of the day goes by fast. Olivier sits next to me in French and math together too, where Grey, Aiden, Henri, Ellie, Kate, and the rest of their posh friends join. I feel popular by association. Finley isn't in these classes together who knows where he is. Kate must be disappointed. My last class is history, and I sit alone. Holly's in this class, so it must be a for sophomores. She acts as though I don't exist, so I start dreaming about what my first day would be like back home. I wonder if my best friends Molly and Jenna are having a hard time without me. We're no longer a trio. The surfs probably good today, and they're probably enjoying the last pieces of their summer break. I wonder if Dash misses me.

The last bell rings, and I walk out of my class towards the parking lot. I meet Sammy at Olivier's car.

"How was your first day Sammy?" I ask.

"Like any other except more British"

"What does that even mean?"

Olivier is standing at the doors talking with his gents. Olivier heads over to the car, and I catch Aiden waving at me across the way. I wave back politely.

"How was everyone's day?" Olivier questions as we get into his Bentley. He sounds like a father who just came home from a long day of work and is attempting to interrogate his kids.

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