3. Accident

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"Kelvin! Watch out!" Rose screamed as she saw something through the front windshield of my black car.

The wipers of my car were cleaning the rain droplets continuously. My eyes widened when I saw the girl suddenly pop up in front of my car out of nowhere.

The grip of my hands around the steering wheel tightened as I stepped on the brake. I held my breath and was hoping the car might stop before it could hit the girl.

But in a fraction of seconds, the damage was done. I wasn't able to stop it, no matter how much force I applied on the brake to stop the car.

In the first second, the girl's stomach made the contact with the car and then her face as she fell on the car. The next second her body flew in the air with a force before touching the ground.

Rose and I exchanged a panicked look before unfastening our seat belts quickly. We hopped out of the car and rushed to the girl whose face was lying in the pool of blood.

I crouched and pulled her onto my lap. The flow of the blood from the right side of her forehead didn't stop and her eyes were closed.

I took her wrist to check the pulse while Rose crouched next to me. Rose and I were completely soaked in rain.

When I didn't feel her pulse, I lay the left side of the head on her chest to hear the heartbeat.

"Her heart is still beating." I lifted my head and Rose let out a breath. "We need to take her to the hospital soon."

"Ok, I'll drive." Rose stood, and I nodded before picking up the girl into my arms. When I took the back seat, Rose started driving.

I took the handkerchief from my front jeans pocket and pressed it against the girl's forehead to stop the bleeding.

I glanced at Rose, who was driving like a snail.

"Rose," I frowned. "Drive faster."

"Do you want me to make another accident?" She glared at me through the rearview mirror.

The girl in my arms suddenly gasped and fluttered open her eyes. She looked at me and her hazel eyes glossed because of the tears.

"Hey! Hey! It's ok." I tried to comfort her but the tears in her eyes streamed down.

She glanced between her stomach and my face. Her left hand clutched her belly protectively.

"Please... Please... save my baby." The girl's voice came out as a whisper.

My breath quickened as I gazed at her hand that was on her belly. The shining diamond ring on her finger said that she was married.

I glanced back at her face and she winced.

"She is pregnant." My pupils dilated from her to Rose.

"Oh my god!" Rose turned her head and glanced at us before shifting her gaze back on the road. She changed the gear of the car into the fifth gear. Her driving speed went from snail to cheetah in a few seconds.

The girl's eyes were closing slowly and panic rushed through my veins.

"No! No! No..." I slapped her left cheek lightly and she winced.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Rose yelled at me. "Why did you slap her?"

"I'm trying to keep her awake," I replied without shifting my gaze from the girl.

I slapped her again. "Don't close your eyes. Look at me."

Her eyes opened wide and she looked at me again but I could sense her eyelids were getting heavier as each second passed by.

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