Chapter The Second

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A small figure wearing a long black cloak was standing near the limit of the forest, the moon light only hit his bare feet, dirty and full of bruises, he didn't seem to mind. The soft wind made him remember that it was the middle of spring, something was bound to happen as they usually do for him.

"Is it there Myzie?" – his eyes were laid on the big city surrounding an even bigger castle. The city, being the largest than the ones before made him question if he was ready. The city was mostly a sleep due to how late at night it was, the moon was full and high in the sky. Still, some flickering lights of candles and torches are still visible. Some of them are even moving around.

The city was protected by a thick and huge wall that went all around it, bending and curving in order to contain as much of the housing as possible. But the city had signs of being growing over time. The buildings closest to the castle were straighter and the streets more organized, in the area was a church, a white new one. The castle itself was seated on top of a hill making use of the natural division between it and the city. A river went around the wall in the left, it wasn't his original rout, they moved it and some were not happy about it, he could feel it.

After that more "clean" side of the city, the housing starts to get more and more clumsier and disorganized. Houses were in different chapes and heights, streets were slimer and molded to the space available in between. Even so, there were remains of an older, taken down wall. The city must have grown rapidly and they needed more space and stone to build the houses so they took the opportunity and re-used the stone from the old wall to build whatever was needed at the time.

"According to Lord, yes. This is the next one." – a pair of big yellow cat eyes appear near the small figure left leg taking him out from contemplating the human construction in front of him.

After a soft sigh he covered his head with the black hood and started walking slowly to the big walled city.

"I hope you survive..." – he whispered to himself. – "...dear Oftrea..."

His voice was melancholic and filled with sadness.

"Welcome home Lilyth." – the cat Myzie said in a provocative tone waving her tail seductively, her black fur shines under the moon light.

"This isn't my home anymore, not without her..." – Lilyth said with a soft sniff and a trembling bottom lip. Memories flooded his mind and as he walked he started to wish he had stayed, maybe things would have been different...

"At least you are here now. And you know what to do." – the cat continued and he nodded to his company knowing that she was right.

The walls started to became bigger and somehow stronger.
Lilyth and Myzie came almost face to face to a big stone arch, one of the many city's entrances, this one guarded by two knights, one tall and bulky and the other one mid-heighted and slightly slimmer.

"Should we wait for the sunrise?" – Lilyth asked his feline companion looking down at the cat that stared hardly to the closed wooden squared gate.

"No. Iseudya is already waiting for us." - the cat answered with her yellow eyes, moving from the gate only to be hypnotized by the shiny armor of the guards, one of them, the tallest one must have noticed them, he was looking at them.

Lilyth approached the two guards standing in front of the arch, behind the gate. One of them was more surprised than the other.

"What's your business in Oftrea?" – the tallest guard asked in a voice demandingly as if he was already waiting to ask that, maybe he was.

"I'm moving in." – Lilyth answered honestly looking down at the floor, covering his face with the hood. It's better not to be recognized first entering the city, he learned that the hardest way.

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