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-bella's pov-

i woke up the next morning, passed out on the couch next to noah. i looked around only to see all the others on the couches, passed out.

i took my phone and decided to make breakfast since i didn't really want any fast food today.

after that, i went to the back yard and sat down on a chair to eat.

"good morning" noah said in a raspy voice, walking in the back yard.

"morning" i smiled.

"what time is it" he asked, slightly rubbing his eyes.

"around 7 AM" i answered, looking at my phone.

noah sat down next to me and sneakily stole a strawberry from my plate.

"what? i'm hungry" he laughed.

"here. i can make another one" i handed him my plate and went inside to make myself another one.

"g'morning bella" bryce said, walking in the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar.

"hey" i smiled.

"you okay?" he asked.

"yeah, why?" i asked in confusion.

"oh, so you haven't seen what chase posted" bryce showed me the following post.

tiktokroom                                       ⠸

------------------------------------------------------tiktokroom                                       ⠸

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liked by brycehall, addisonraee and 3,863,874 others

tiktokroom posted by chase. thoughts?


brycehall what the hell chase?

noahbeck why lie?

dixiedamelio it's the pretending to be the victim for me

luvanthony buddy fucked up big time

user charli deserves way better

user1 tbh bella deserves it. she's a fucking idiot anyway
noahbeck not true. bella is one of the sweetest people i know. and for you to say that just proves how fast people judge others and believe everything they see on the internet.

view all 1,884,902 comments...


i stood there, not being able to say anything.

chase is lying. he might've cheated on charli, but none of the boys would ever cheat on the girls.

"bella chase is lying!" bryce said, holding my shoulders so i couldn't go anywhere.

"i know noah pretty well, he would never EVER hook up with random girls." he explained.

"bella.." noah looked at me.

"fucking wakanda king" josh yelled, walking in the kitchen, making me slightly laugh.

"noah i know you would never so that. chase might've cheated on charli, but i know you guys wouldn't cheat on your girlfriend's." i smiled.

"thank fucking god" jaden exhaled, leaning on the open door.

"we should pay him a visit" bryce said, walking to the front of the house to put his shoes on.

"personally, i think we should do it later and now we should check up on the girls" i suggested, going on my phone, dialing charli's number and walking upstairs to my room.

"hey girl! you alright? i saw what lil wakanda king posted" i asked, giggling at the words lil wakanda king.

"i'm fine" she answered, sadness laced in her voice.

"how about you come over?" i asked.

"alright. be there in 10" she hung up.

· · ───── ·𖥸· ───── · ·

a/n: oh look, another short chapter.


i had to write something tho

also yes i added the whole tiktoker drama cause it makes stuff funnier n shit

anyway hope ya enjoyed, don't forget to vote and comment :)

(i obviously didn't double check)

- anne

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