Chapter 12

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" Where are you taking me!!" I yelled. They didn't say anything. The one that had really long black hair and blues eyes tied my hands behind my back.

The other put duck tape on my lips. Then they both picked me up and thew me in the truck.

When they shut it all I could here is mumbling. Then the mumbling turned into screaming. The screaming turned into gun shots. I became frightened instantly.

Were ever they were taking me it seemed like forever. I was getting hot back there and I couldn't breathe. The car stopped a couple times but they never took me out. I have been I here for days. I have slept or eaten at all.

I mean they could be nice enough to at least feed a human. Really. I am getting madd by the hour.

I need to find something to cut this rope. The car stopped. When I turn around I see a knife. These people are dummy's I start thinking.

Ugh now how am I going to reach it without cutting myself. Dammit!! I flipped back over. They didn't tie up my legs.

I turn back around and kick my shoes off. I touched the knife with my foot to turn it around. Yes!! I said to myself. Then I flip my self back around. I get my bare hand and pulled the knife close to the knife. The only way it would cut is if I moved up and down.

When I finally got it off I use my other hand and I ripped off the duck tape off my lips. My mouth was stinging maybe I should've did that slow.

The car started moving again. I can't scream while we are moving no one would hear me.

So I waited it out patiently they didn't take anymore breaks at all. I got the knife in my hand so if the did stop I would be able to stab the shit out of them both.

They stopped one last time. This time I could here them planning or plotting something.

They opened the trunk and I jumped up with the knife on my hand. " Y'all better let me go.... O-or I'm gonna stab you both". They both started laughing. Great it didn't work. Guess you have to prove people wrong these days.

I moved my had to stab them but the both took hold of my wrist. This is not fair, not fair at all.

It is dark outside and I can only see a few lights. The tallest one had a gun pointed at my head as soon as I tried to speak.

" Say one word and I'll shoot you right now". Then man said. His voice was too deep but also sounded professional. I shut my big mouth immediately. I ain't got time to die not yet at least.

Both the men lead me down a dark alley way. I was starting to get creeped out. It stinks here an you can hear the little creature crawling around.

The other man knocked three times on the door in front of us. Some other person in a black suit opened it and they threw me inside.

The lights in this room were dim. You can't really see anything. I did however notice someone in the corner tied up as I have been.

I tried to adjust my eyes but it didn't work. All three of the men walked in and stared at me before walking to the person on the other side of the room.

They seemed to be asking all sorts of weird questions. I can't really hear them but I knew it was serious.

I one reserved my surrounding trying to find a place out. There was no where to go without them finding me.

The man with the long black hair and blue eyes walked over to me. " Hi". He whispered. I hissed at him " You and your little gang buddies kidnap me all you say is hi". I felt like screaming at him all this they put me through and I get a hi just great.

" Listen to me". I said looking him directly in the eye. " I have been sitting in that stupid ass car trunk for I don't know how many days without any food or drink. I could've died you know".

He interrupted me " I know but you didn't". He just smirked. It was actually really cute. Wait I'm suppose to mad at him not complimenting".

"I know I didn't but I could have though. And me and you are not on perfect terms right now so just leave me alone". The person in the corner starts screaming and he just ignored it.

" Heyy". He poked me.

" What do you want I thought I said leave. If you don't know what that means it's bye in English". He was really aggravating me at this point. I was on the verge of slapping the life out of him.

" Yes but you also says you were hungry". He looked at me and frowned.
" Listen I know I have been jerk. Just let me take you out for some thing to eat.

They've I'll think it is me leaving not you so don't worry. " Why shouldn't I you already tried to murder me".

" I said I was sorry now let's go before we caught". His voice sounded firm. I didn't argue no more.

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