Chapter 13

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He took hold of my hand. He was sweating and trembling. It's like he was actually sacred but I didn't say anything. I decided to let him play bad boy for a day.

" Come on". He opened the door silently. " Hurry". When we got into the hall we started running. He just toke my hand and took off. It was actually fun if you think about it.

While running I fell like five times tripping over his foot. He would jut pick me back up and we would run again.

" Hey umm can we stop for a second I am human you know". He smirked. It was cute.

" Yea sure. But I am human to you know". He said looking at me letting go of my hand. I sat down in a little corner. Breathing frantically.

" Heyy are you alright". I looked up at him.q

"Does it look like I'm alright to you". He studied my face.

" I'm sorry". He says again. " For you know everything".

" You mean taking me away from home. My little sister is their by herself you know. I have a life and y'all just took it all away from me within a couple of seconds". I could feel my eyes start to water.

" I'm sorry". He pauses. " I honestly don't like doing this but it is code. I have no choice". I look at him I feel my face twisting up.

" You do have a choice no one can force you to do anything you don't want to". I said in a very stern voice.

" It's a long story that I don't have enough time to tell right now".

" Alright well let's get going before we get caught". We started running agian we were closer to the exit then I thought. If I knew this I wouldn't have taken a break.

When we left the exit we entered a city with cars racing past us. The lights were so bright my eyes winced. He turned around and started laughing.

I punched him in his arm and started laughing. " Ouch you hit like a man".

" Good". I said back. " It means the easier for me to fight you". He was quiet. Looked up and have him a shy smile.

" Haha very funny. Come on were almost there". We walked up to some fancy restaurant I couldn't pronounce. MELIVUANIA. In big letters shined.

" Uh I can't afford this". I was kind of embarrassed that I'm not as rich as I look.

" Who said you were paying".

" Uh". I lost words.

" Right come inside". I walked awkwardly past him. Maybe he won't notice. I'm having lunch with a stranger.

" Hello my name is Alexia and I will be your waitress for today". Says the woman in front of us. " Table for two".

Me n him exchange looks and he says " Yea tables for two". She looks at us with that fake waitress smile. Her hair is dark blonde and she is wearing white pearl earrings with a matching necklace.

" Great follow me". She leads us to a table on a back wall near the window. He pulls my chair out gesturing me to sit. " Look at you trying to be a gentlemen".

" Only for you my dear". He bows and kissed my hand. I start to blush.

The waitress clears her throat and we look up at her. A way to kill a moment. " May I offer the both of you to a drink". She asked us.

" Yes I'll have a tea". He said. I looked up at him and ordered the same.

" I'll be right back". She said and she walked off.

" She is so fake". I said.

" She is a waitress she gets paid to be fake". We both laugh.

" True your right. But she could at least make it seem real. I mean you can tell she faking".

" Let it go Lily". My heart stopped. He knows my name.

" Lily". I said in a question.

" You are Lily right. You go to Waterfall High School. Your 17. Your sisters name is Marianna. Your moms is Cystal and her husband is Josh. Right".
I just looked at him with my mouth wide open.

" H-how do you know my name? How do you know me period". He starts laughing.

" You don't think we do our research. We have to plan things like this. It doesn't come easy. I just had the privilege to study you". He winked at me and laughed. But I dint see anything funny.

" Why would y'all want to research me anyway". I was get angry by the second. They shouldn't have been stalking me and maybe I won't be here right now.

" That is confidential information mam". He said nonchalantly.

" I don't care what it is!! First y'all stalk me and my family. Then y'all take me away to a place I have never been before. Y'all had me in a trunk. Then you out of nowhere come in take me to dinner. I don't know you or your name or anything. I just want to go back home and I want to go now right now!!"

I bang my fist on the table and stood up. I start walking out the restaurant then I feel him grab me. " Look I said I was sorry can you please sit down. Your kind of making a scene". I look around and everyone is looking over in our direction. Embarrassed once again I sat down. " thank you".

" Let's start over shall we". He says smiling at me. I didn't say anything. I honestly just want to get out of here and go home.

" My name is Spencer. I'm in a family of three. My parents are divorced and I was also taken away from the people I love. But like I said it's a long story". I give him this sympathetic look. I didn't know. This is what I get for judging a book by it's cover I guess.

The rest of the time we ate in silence I have nothing to say. I'm guessing neither did he. He looked good for Spencer in my opinion. I observed his body.

He was tall in kind of buff. His eyes were a pretty light blue. He has long black hair that covers them slightly. He has one set of snake bite piercings.

His shirt looked so good with his toned body. He was wearing black slacks with a collared blue shirt. I think I can feel my mouth drool a little bit. He gets more and more attractive by the minute.

" You ready to go now". He asked me.

" Yea yea sure lets go".

We were walking for a while and I have no clue were we are going. " Were we going". I asked him.

" To a hotel. Im looking for one try won't find me in. Ahh.... Here we go". We walk in and the woman at the front desk looks professional as hell.

" Hello how may I help you". She asked.

" One bedroom please". My eyes got big. One! I think he saw this. " It's fine I can sleep on the floor if you want. I just shook my head.

" 3rd floor room 236". She said with a smile. He handed me the extra room key.

I walked in and my breathe was took away. This is the biggest hotel room I have ever seen in my life.

I sat on the bed and he sat next to me.
" Everything will be ok Lily I promise". He put his hand in my thigh and squeezed it. I felt my whole body tingle.

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