05 | you're cute

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Everyone was on their music class, patiently waiting for the teacher to arrive. Taehyun and Huening Kai talked to each other whilst Beomgyu was watching them from afar.

Taehyun seemed troubled, that's what Beomgyu was seeing. Taehyun would always looked around him and clung to Huening Kai from time to time.

Beomgyu can't help but to be worried, he wanted to comfort Taehyun but seemed like it's Kai's work.

Their teacher finally came in and they all greeted him politely. The teacher walked in front, showing his gummy smile, and gestured everyone to sit down.

Mr. Min organized his things before he called the students' attention, "Class, I have an announcement." he began, everybody anticipated on it.

"All of you are having a new task. It's pretty simple, prepare a song to be performed next month," he said, causing everyone to groan and whine. Of course, not everyone is a fan of audience.

Mr. Min called everybody, "Don't worry, guys. This task will be by partners."

The whole classroom cheered and started to choose their partners. Taehyun looked at Huening Kai, hoping to be partners with him. Kai smiled and put his arms around him whilst ruffling his hair.

Beomgyu watched them, feeling a little gloomy at the sight. Yes, he hoped Taehyun would pick him but they aren't even close enough yet.

Suddenly, a group of girls approached him, asking him to be their partner. Beomgyu was not interested and was about to reject them all when Mr. Min said, "Who said you're picking your partner? I'm the one who's assigning you that. Sit your asses down, clowns."

Then again, several complains filled the room. Mr. Min glared at them and they all went silent. He smiled in contentment and began to call out names, announcing who is their designated partners.

Beomgyu tapped his fingers on his desk and let out a soft sigh as he waited for his name to be called without expecting anything.

"Choi Beomgyu and Kang Taehyun, you will be partners," Beomgyu's features immediately lightened up at Mr. Min's words while some of his classmates, who were hoping to be his partner, sulked.

His gaze immediately went to Taehyun and the guy was also looking at him. Beomgyu flashed a grin and playfully threw him a wink. Taehyun just displayed a small smile before looking away.

Mr. Min finished talking and gave them time to plan everything out. Beomgyu walked to Taehyun and sat beside him. Huening Kai went to his own partner, leaving the two in their place.

"Hey," Beomgyu greeted and Taehyun waved his hand, his smile never leaving from his lips.

Beomgyu thought he has a beautiful smile.

Since Beomgyu was aware that Taehyun is a mute person, he needed to find away for them to communicate. He doesn't know sign language, though. But maybe, texting will do?

"Can I get your number?" Beomgyu requested, offering his phone. Taehyun replied him with his big innocent eyes that is asking why. Beomgyu chuckled, "For the project?"

Taehyun slowly nodded and typed his number on Beomgyu's phone. Taehyun returned it and he thanked him.

But then, Taehyun began to look queasy. He fidgeted from his seat time to time and his eyes would scan the whole room.

Of course, Beomgyu did not fail on noticing this, "Hey, everything alright?"

Taehyun brought his gaze back to him and simply nodded. Beomgyu isn't convinced, "Tell me, what's wrong?"

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