17 | broken hearts

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Taehyun was walking in every school halls for about thirty minutes, checking every single corridor if one of his bullies were on his way. But thankfully, he finally found a way where there's likely no one to bother him.

He's probably late on his class, probably missed one, already. But he'd rather be late in class instead of seeing Soyeon and her minions on his way. He still couldn't erase the image of Kai getting beaten up in front of him. He couldn't stop blaming himself for everything Soyeon did.

After taking and memorizing a different route, he reached their classroom. He sighed in relief and entered the room, interrupting the ongoing class. The teacher, along with his other classmates, turned their heads to him.

Taehyun looked at them and locked eyes with Beomgyu. Beomgyu weakly smiled at him before breaking their eye contact.

Oh, he almost forgot. He should start avoiding him. It won't be that hard to ignore him since Taehyun already did that before, right? It should be a piece of cake for him.

"Mr. Kang Taehyun being late on my class? This is new and quite disappointing," the teacher said and Taehyun only looked down in shame.

The teacher gestured him to sit down so he quickly went to his seat. The difference is, Kai wasn't there to greet him. Being physically in pain made him skip classes today and Taehyun understood that.

Taehyun plopped down in his seat and got his stuffs that he needed for the class. While organizing his things, he descried a small piece of paper on his desk. He hesitantly opened the paper and saw a message on it.

'i'm sorry', words that were written on the paper. Taehyun furrowed and wondered who would've apologize to him. Was it Yeonjun? Did he do something again?

Guessing that it's Yeonjun, he shrugged it off and put the note in his pocket and began to focus on the discussion.

The class ended quickly and everyone got up in their seats, on their way to the cafeteria. Taehyun remained on his space and peeked on the window beside him, watching the trees sway in sync.

Minutes later and two girls went inside the room, talking loudly.

"What's up with Beomgyu and Soyeon? They're surprisingly closer today," the other said, catching Taehyun's attention.

"Isn't it obvious? They are dating! Beomgyu wouldn't let Soyeon sit on his lap if they weren't, y'know."

Taehyun didn't know what to feel. w
Was it true? Maybe not, he can't imagine Beomgyu and Soyeon together, that's just disgusting. And knowing Beomgyu, he wouldn't do that. Soyeon is a bully and Beomgyu hates those kind of person.

But what if it's true?

Taehyun, biting the inside of his cheek, stood up and left the room. He marched down the hall, hearing the students gossipping about the same thing. His eyes were starting to burn and his heart was racing, every beat of it was ringing through his ears.

He refused to believe, convincing himself that he was just hearing things. Yet, he can't help but to go there and find out the truth.

He could already see the entrance of the cafeteria and the crowd were getting louder. Taehyun halted and took in a deep breath before entering the place, only to bumped up with Yeonjun, who was furious.

Yeonjun's eyes meet his and his face was replaced with shock, "Taehyun? Why are you here?"

Taehyun ignored him and walked pass by him, searching for Beomgyu when Yeonjun pulled him back. Taehyun looked at him, eyes were now teary.

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