25 | false hopes

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dear luna,

we've been talking for a few weeks now. you make me smile and i hope i did the same to you. but i keep on wondering since the first time you gave me the letter, who are you?

my friend once said that i should know how are you connected to the moon but i'm bad on connecting the dots.

i wanna see you so bad. can we meet?

- love, sunshine

Taehyun sighed as his heart raced upon reading the last sentence. He placed the precious letter in his study desk and stared at the other blank paper, not having any clue on what to write. He rested his head against the table and let his mind wander.

Meeting each other — something that they both wanted to do. But one is hesitant and scared of what will be the outcome when it happened.

Taehyun isn't ready, yet.

He heaved a sigh once again and got up from his seat. He dragged his feet onto the cold floor and went to his closet, grabbing his grey hoodie and hastily put it on.

He went out of their house, the night is getting late already. With both of his hands inside of his pockets, he walked on the street.

After taking several steps, he found himself standing in front of an empty park — the place where he met Beomgyu for the second time. He smiled as he recalled Beomgyu being persistent on trying to have a conversation with him, it was adorable.

He sat on one of the benches and leaned his back before looking up at the sky, the beauty of the moon stealing his attention.

Moon; the name he used to hide his identity and the name he used to like someone in free. Choosing that name was so random—he remembered how he peeked his head onto the window while he think of what codename he should use after writing the very first letter. And the moon was incredibly blinding that night so he ended up with it.

And maybe, he's envious of the moon. He really wanted to be like her. He wanted to be appreciated, to be admired of, to be loved by everyone. But that was too much to ask, isn't it?

"Oh?" Taehyun looked around and saw Beomgyu standing few meters away from him. The man tilted his head, "Taehyun? I didn't expect to see you here." Beomgyu said and sat beside him.

Comfortable silence enveloped the two. Taehyun was still glued at the night sky, head full of thoughts from reading the other's letter.

Beomgyu yawned and lied down on the bench, his head resting on the younger's lap. Taehyun resists himself from blushing over it and continue to space out, but it's hard to do with Beomgyu looking directly at him.

"Has anyone told you you're gorgeous?" Taehyun snapped his head towards him and saw him completely drawn at his features. Taehyun can't handle it so he averted his gaze from the other. Beomgyu was definitely acting odd—Taehyun thought.

"Like you really have crystal eyes and pretty lips," Beomgyu continued. Taehyun swallowed the lump in his throat, scared of not knowing where this is going.

"And the fact that we almost kissed, gosh," Beomgyu blurted out and that caused Taehyun to feel heat in his cheeks. "I wonder how would it feel if we actually did that."

Taehyun pushed Beomgyu out of panic. Beomgyu yelped and feel down on the concrete road. Taehyun widened his eyes and offered his hands for help, guilty for doing that to him. Beomgyu held his hand tightly and pulled him, causing the younger to fall on top of him.

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