22 | crazy things

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Kai's snores and the shower from the bathroom was the only noise that can be heard in the room. Taehyun stared at his best friend's wasted body, eating up all the space on the other bed. He sighed and moved to tuck the blanket neatly on him.

The sound of the dripping water came into a halt. Minutes later and beomgyu comes out, wearing his comfy sleepwear as he dried his raven hair with the cream towel. Taehyun glanced at him and sent him a small smile.

Beomgyu exhanged one and walked to him, now looking at Huening Kai. "Does he have a girlfriend or a boyfriend?"

Taehyun shook his head. Beomgyu tilted his head as the confusion showed in his face. "Then, where did he get that from?" He asked, pertaining to the faint lipstick stains on Kai's skin.

Taehyun shrugged and got up, walking straight in his bed and got his phone, scrolling on his instagram.

While the other boy, Beomgyu, stood still in his place. He stared at his occupied bed, where Kai was sleeping peacefully, and asked himself—Where the hell do I sleep?

He hesitantly looked at his roommate lying on the single bed and noticed the space beside the brunet. He could literally fit his whole body in those space-

don't even think about it, gyu.

Or maybe, he could go to Huening Kai's room and sleep in there. But the thing is, he doesn't know where is his room.

He sighed loudly when he cannot think of any ideas that might help him. Taehyun's head turned to him, his eyes asking questions.

"Uhh," Beomgyu touched the back of his head and timidly said, "I don't know where to sleep."

Taehyun left an 'o' shape in his mouth when he also realised it. Beomgyu awkwardly laughed, "But don't worry though! I think I'm gonna sleep on," Beomgyu thought for a second, his gaze running around the room until it landed on the single sofa chair placed at the corner.

His eyes lightened up and snapped his fingers, "On the sofa! Yes."

Taehyun followed his gaze, studying the small chair that's obviously uncomfortable to sleep on. He wondered how the older would sleep in there.

Beomgyu smiled at him, feeling the younger's doubtfulness. He grabbed the extra pillows and went to the chair, "It's okay. I'm used to it. Sleeping on a chair is normal to me." He convinced for Taehyun to believe, well more like he's convincing himself.

Taehyun bought his statement and went to turn of the light and the small lamp on the bedside table. The whole room was now in pitch black.

Beomgyu sat on the chair, putting the pillow behind his back and leaned on it. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep but he's not happy in his position. He turned his body, the chair rustling by doing it, and hugged his legs as he rested his chin on his knees. But no matter how hard he tried to be tiny, he's still not comfy.

He sighed and opened his eyes then—

"Oh my freaking gosh!" Beomgyu exclaimed, holding his chest with his heavy breath escaping from his lips, looking like his soul has been stolen from his entire body.

Taehyun stood in front of him, holding up a flashlight that was directed at his own face, scaring Beomgyu to death. Beomgyu slowed down his breathing, "Gosh, you scared me."

Taehyun chuckled lightly, his nose crinkling when he did. Beomgyu softened at the sight, "Why are you still up?"

Taehyun pointed at him then to his bed. "You want me to sleep with you? Is that okay for you?" Beomgyu queried.

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