Chapter Twenty-Two - School Festival With The Prince

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*Phone Ringing*

'Ugh... who the heck is calling me early in the morning?' I tossed and buried my head under my pillow, hoping the caller would give up and let me enjoy my deep eternal sleep.

*Phone Ringing*

'Ugh! This guy is persistent!' I tossed the pillow away and grabbed my phone from the nightstand.

"Hel-" I asked trying not to sound angry.

"Lisa! I've been calling you multiple times now!" Jumin-san scolded as soon as I answered the call.

"Jumin-san!" I sprang out of bed due to shock. "I-I'm sorry I was not able to answer your call. I was asleep, I'm so sorry."

"Never mind that, I have news for you." He said.

"What is it, sir?"

"I was informed by my boss that you will be debuted with a partner. He will meet with us later, with his manager to discuss the plan for your debut performance." He said.

"But I thought I would be a solo artist?" I asked.

"Yes, I was also startled by the information. But don't worry, we'll handle this later." He comforted.

"Alright, when and where will this meeting be held?" I asked and grabbed a sticky-note to write the place and time.

"Three o'clock at Grind House Joint. I'll see you there," He replied.

"Okay, thank you Jumin-san," I said and ended the call.

'Wait, did he just said a "he"? I'll be working with a guy! God, I hope he doesn't have a big ego like Fuuto-kun. No offence Otouto, but you have an ego the size of the moon. Well, I'm already out of bed, best to help serve breakfast.'

I went to the toilet and did my early morning routine. After I had brushed my teeth and combed my hair, I immediately went downstairs to help.

"Good morning, Lisa." Nee-chan greeted.

"Morning, Nee-chan," I replied and helped plate the food.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yea, why?" I questioned.

"You seem bothered and there's just something about the way you move and... I don't know, there's just something about you right now," she responded.

"Really? I don't seem to notice," I said and continued preparing breakfast. As I was about to turn around and get the glasses, I accidentally bump on someone.

"Oh! I'm sorry," I look up and saw that it was Ukyo Nii-chan. "I-I'm sorry Nii-chan. I-I didn't see you there,"

"It's alright, Lisa. It was an accident, no harm is done." He smiled and grabbed the glasses for me.

Two days have passed since the incident between Ukyo Nii-chan and I happened and it is a little awkward for me to face him. I tried apologizing but somehow the words just can't get out of my mouth. Maybe it's the fear that Nii-chan may somehow still be angry at me? Or I just don't know what to do. Either way, I still need to apologize for what had happened.

During breakfast, some have finished early and seemed to have scattered and went to their jobs and school.

"Lisa?" Iori Nii-chan called out.

"Oh, Iori Nii-chan. Do you need anything?" I asked.

"I noticed that you seemed quiet or down today. I something bothering you?" He questioned as he sat beside me.

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