Chapter Thiry-Six - Flower Viewing

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A week has passed and I officially move out of the residence and into my apartment. It seems a bit lonely at first because I wasn't used to not having Nee-chan by my side, but with all the work I need to do, I seem to forget that I was alone now.

Speaking of Nee-chan, she was a bit worried about me living alone. She also tells me to eat, clean the apartment, or even call her if I was ever hungry even though I've learned to cook for myself. To calm her nerves down, I'll visit them four times a week and even walk her home since her school is only a one bus ride away.

And as promised, I am currently waiting for Nee-chan at her school gate. However, I was wearing a disguise so that no one would recognize me. I am wearing a shoulder-length wavy brown hair, black contact, black sequin bomber jacket, underneath is a white supreme t-shirt, black side stripe pants, and white Adidas sneakers.

"Lisa!" I heard Nee-chan scream as she was running towards me. "Sorry if I took a while. Sensei asked me to bring the papers to the faculty room,"

"No problem, I didn't wait that long anyway," I said as I carried some of her bags. "Ready?"


"Hina! You forgot your notebook!" screamed a girl with a light brown hair cut into a bob, with her bangs pushed back over her head. Beside her is a man with medium-dark brown hair and brown eyes.

'The girl looks familiar... where did I meet her again?'

"Ah! Thank you so much, Maho-chan!" Nee-chan exclaimed as she kept her notebook inside her bag.

'Ah! Now I remember! She is Nee-chan's classmate,'

"Hmm? Who is this, Hina?" Mahoko-chan asked.

"Oh, this is my sister Lisa," Nee-chan said.

"Eh? But I met your sister before. I remember that she had long crimson hair..." Mahoko-chan muttered.


"Erm... Maho-chan," Nee-chan stuttered.

"Uhm, Mahoko-chan. It is me," I said as I adjusted my wig a bit to show her my hair.

"Wait... YOUR SISTER IS-!" Before she could continue, Nee-chan and I covered her mouth.


"Erm... what is going on here?" The boy asked.

"Well... my sister is also known as 'Phoenix Rose'," Nee-chan explained.

"P-Phoenix R-Rose? Y-You're-!" I also covered his mouth before he could continue.

'Man, so this is how Fuuto feels.'

"Oh my gosh! This is the best! Can I get your autograph?!" Mahoko-chan exclaimed.

"A-ah, sure. As long as you keep this secret between the four of us, please?" I requested and I uncover their mouths.

"We promise!"

After that debacle, Nee-chan and I walked to take the train home. "Oh, Imouto-chans I see that you are also walking home together."

"Hikaru-san," "Hika Nii-sama!"

As always, he was wearing his female disguise. "Mind if I join you two?"

"You joining us for dinner today?" I asked as I moved beside him and saw that he had a box of chocolate hidden in a paper bag that he was carrying. "Ohh, do you have a secret admirer?"

"No," He chuckled. "I receive this from a man who was trying to seduce me, but the chocolate will only be a bother. So I'm giving this to you,"

"Yey!"I exclaimed and open the box. "Oh! Ferrero,"

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