Chapter Twenty-Four - Study Session With The Tsundere

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"I'll see you again on New Year's Eve, little bug." Kuzuha-kun kissed me on the cheeks as a sign of goodbye and left the studio.

"See you there Kuzu-kun!" I teased. For those who don't get it, 'Kuzu' means trash.

'What? He calls me "Little bug", I think it would be fair if I also have a nickname for me. Besides, it is part of his name.'

A few moments ago, we were practising for the performance on New Year's Eve. I had a great time with Kuzuha-kun, he seemed like a scoundrel at first, but he is just a joker and a flirt.

'No wonder his fans adore him,'

After getting to know and work with him for a few days, I don't mind working with him anymore. Even if the condition Sebastian-san suggested was a bit too much.

'I should probably go home, I still need to study for the mid-term exam.'

"Thanks for the hard work guys, I'll see you guys too on New Year's Eve!" I packed my things and hurriedly left the studio.

"Bye Lisa!" Nishida Takumi and Yoshida Naoki said farewell. Those two will accompany us for the performance on New Year's Eve. They are our drummer and bassist, but even if they are just going to accompany us, I couldn't help but consider to let them join Kuzu-kun and I. Sadly Takumi-kun and Naoki-kun seemed to reject the offer, they just wanted to try something new.

- - - - - TIME SKIP - - - - -

"I'm home!" I announced and entered the living room.

"Hey, welcome home." Yusuke Nii-chan greeted. "Where have you been?"

"Just hanging out with some friends," I said and sat beside him. "Watcha doin'?"

"Well... uh... you know how there was that end of term exam?" he uttered.

"Oh, yeah. I heard Nee-chan had a hard time on that one, especially on the math section." I stated.

"That's right, maths!" He exclaimed. "So for the math exam, I got a low grade... The teacher said I can't enjoy the mid-term break until I finish the given assignment..."

"I see..."

"To be honest, I don't feel it but... It's not like I can not do it so, I here draining my brain to finish this stupid assignment." He grumbled.

"Haha," I chuckled.

"Oh, hey! Stop laughing!" He fumed with his face turning the same colour as our hair. Although, my hair seems to be in a darker shade than his.

"It's not that I'm laughing at you, It's just that you're so sensible Nii-chan. You aren't thinking 'I just won't do' or anything like that. I thought you were that kind of person," I contemplated.

"What! Of course not!" He screamed. "Look! You're getting in the way of my studying! Go to your room already!"

"Muu, you're mean Nii-chan. I rarely see you and you are pushing me away instead" I pouted. "I was even thinking of helping you with that,"

"Huh?! It's fine, what are you on about!" He exclaimed and his face becomes the same colour as the shade of my hair.

"I want to hang out with you!" I whined. "Plus, of course, you'd be the one answering the questions. But of course, if there's a question you can't answer, it's more productive if there's someone else there to help you, right?"

"It's fine! Just go do what you're supposed to do already!" He insisted.

"Okay!" I chirped and started placing my notes on the coffee table.

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