Chapter Forty-Seven - The Cross

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November 17

Currently, I am studying for exams that were moved in advance so that while I'm on tour I wouldn't be distracted with it. Which is kind of stressful since I have to cram for it until December.

*Knock, knock*

"Come in!"

"Hope I'm not intruding," Masa Nii-chan said as he entered my room.

"Not at all, do you need something?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you could join me for tea and I also learned that it is best to take a break from work before you break down." He chuckled. I then agreed and joined him at the kitchen.

"So, do you have any options what school you'll be attending for college?" He asked.

"Not really, with me being an idol and all I think distractions will be made if I entered an on-campus college," I said.

"But you can't keep doing online class your whole life, you'll miss half of your life if you continue to do so." He advised.

"I guess, but I don't really have any other choices." I sighed.

"Why not Jouchi University?" He asked.

"I don't know, it is considered to be of the top private universities and I don't think I could survive there." I chuckled. Also maybe going to a school where Iori Nii-chan is also going might not be the best choice at the moment.

"Why not join Yusuke and Ema in Meiji?" He suggested.

"I guess? But the entrance exam is only a month away and by then I'll be touring around the world,"

"Maybe we could talk to them? Or better yet, your manager could talk to them and maybe they'll reconsider it."

"Yeah, maybe I will. If ever Jumin-san agreed on me attending Meiji, maybe I'll let you two talk to the principal about my condition." I smiled.

"I'd be happy to help,"

"Well then, thanks for rescuing me from breaking down earlier, but I should get back into it." I stood from my seat and was ready to return to my room when Masa Nii-chan stopped me.

"Do you have any plans on December 24?" He asked.

"Well, my exams will be done in the first week of December. However, since the tour will be near I might be packing at that time." I said. I soon then realizes that Masa Nii-chan might be checking my plans because he wanted to ask me out. It also seems as though Nii-chan also realized it too because he suddenly blushed.

"I-I just wanted to have a Christmas party with everyone," He reasoned.

"Of course I'll join," I smiled at him

"Thank you," he happily thanks me with a smile so wide it makes me blush and then he runs away upon realizing what he just did.

- - - - - TIME SKIP - - - - -

Few days have passed, I have talked to Jumin-san about the thing with Meiji and he agreed. He and Masa Nii-chan went up to the school to talk to them about my condition and I was glad that they were willing to move the exam about a week before my departure.

So today, I took a pre-test for the centre exam at Meiji University. It was harder than I expected, but I think I did pretty well. On my way home, I spotted Kana Nii-chan near the intersection of the Ochanomizu Station. Nii-chan is wearing a suit today, and he's looking at the river with a serious expression.

"Nii-chan!" I called out to him as I cross the road.
He seems really surprised when I went over to call him, "I-Imouto-chan, what are you doing here?"

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