Your Family

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It was quite a huge challenge for me to settle in from day one and I never did till the last day.

Again you introduced me and gave them a lesson on how they should treat me. Well your mom and dad were cold as ice towards me. I didn't know how to behave towards them.

Whenever you were gone for days without even telling me where you were going, your parents mistreated me.

Whenever you decided to come back home, everything had to just go on as normal as if nothing happened. I believed that they should have sat us down and spoke to the both of us concerning your behavior as parents but none of that happened. I mean you paid lobola that should've counted for something.

Your dad would swear at everyone every time he had to buy groceries. He called me a dog... Whenever we were sitting watching TV, I wasn't supposed to laugh like everybody else in the room. I'd laugh and I'd be asked what was i laughing at? Obviously by your dad...

God there was this day I thought I was alone in the house as usual, I mean I was used to being alone during the day and there I was farting and your dad went like oh my God, this dog is farting in my house... I was embarrassed but question is, was I not allowed to fart like every other living being? Beats me...

Hopingly your father has finally met a human being for your bride, I can assure you one thing in life no one wants a dog for a bride.

Tell him I said Goodluck in helping you  find a bride if you had not found one...

Your mother? She was just a cold room everytime I was hurting because of you I'd run to her and told her my problems she'd just look at me and said absolutely nothing. She never felt my pain at all. As time went by I noticed something about her... She didn't like me and didn't want us to be together. I wonder if she had the guards to tell you..

well atleast your grandmother had some guards and told you that you were still young and you will one day find yourself a beautiful girlfriend, you must tell me to leave well you did, how did you think I felt? That's a rhetorical question right?

Question is did you? If you really did.
Is the beautiful girl taking care of your grandma? Please ask her for me... I'd really love to know!

Your two brothers?
They were just misguided kids, well you know teenagers misbehave at times however the way that your parents reacted to the things they did and said to me was just so not on however I told myself that they may not have said a thing to defend me then but they were just doing it for themselves because your siblings won't be teenagers forever, they will taste their own medicine in future.

Are they already tasting it?
Please ask if it's that tasty for me, I think i might be interested in what they have to say.

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