🍬Chapter 10🐇

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As all the applicants who had passed, were on the blimp, traveling to the third Phase.

Y/n was looking at the view, eating her sweets, by herself. She didnt mind being a lone, but she was kinda frustrated at Killua for 2 main reasons. The first being he ate all of the chocolates she had made, second was that once they were on the blimp, he ran away with her best friend off somewhere.

It was a while since they had gotten on the blimp. Y/n closed her eyes, planning on resting there for a bit, until she heard someone yelling in the kitchen. she glanced in the hall way to see the chef throwing 2 familiar boys out of the kitchen and onto the ground as they slammed the door shut.

"You guys got kicked out of the kitchen... Why am I not surprised..." Y/n mumbled as she looked at the duo.

"Oh hey Y/n" Gon smiled a bit, seeing the female stare at them. Killua looked at the female and seemed to roll his eyes at her.

"Hey, why were you guys in the kitchen?"

"We wanted food." Hearing that statement made Y/n sigh and shake her head. When the boys were standing, she grabbed their wrist and pulled them slightly.

"If you're hungry go to the dining hall."

"Thats what the chef told us to do...heh"


As the 3 were walking down the hall, while the 2 male's were chomping down on their food. Killua looked to see the view.

"Woah!" He ran over and looked out the window, catching the attention of Y/n and Gon

"Look!" Killua told the 2 as they went over

"Woah!" Gon stared at the view in amazement. "It's like the ground is covered in jewels!"

"Yeah!" Killua replied, keeping his eyes on the view. Y/n didnt say anything, she just looked at the view in front of her.

As there was silence between the 3, Gon spoke up and asked

"Hey I was wondering... Where are your Mom and Dad Killua?" Y/n, after hearing Gon, looked over at Killua, wanting to know the answer as well.

"Hmmm... they're alive." Killua replied, not taking his eyes off of the view. "Probably."

"What do you mean by probably?" Y/n asked the male, confused slightly at the statement. He shrugged a reply, meaning that he didnt know if they were.

"What do your parents do?" Gon asked Killua, when Gon asked he finally looked away from the view and looked at his friends.

"They're assassins"

"Both of them?" Y/n and Gon looked at Killua, believing what he told them. Soon Killua started to laugh, making the 2 more confused than ever.

"That's your first reaction?" He continued to laugh. "You are really a riot!" He exclaimed at the duo.

"Huh?" The 2 friends looked at him. the 3 were sitting down on the seat nearby while Killua explained a bit.

"You're the first to take me seriously" Killua told the duo.

"Well you are telling the truth right?" Y/n questioned him, tilting his head slightly.

"What makes you think that?" Killua looked at the two. Gon had answered him this time

"It's just a hunch."

"That's weird.." Killua looked away, resting his head on his arm. "People only like me because they can't tell whether I'm serious.."

The 2 looked at him, but soon looked away when he started to talk again

Sweet Bunny (HxH x reader) [Old Version]Where stories live. Discover now