🍬Chapter 36🐇

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(Thank you @PeaChan0w0 for the fan art <3)

Y/n was shivering slightly and watched from her hiding spot. She watched them as they left, soon letting out a deep breath. The spider, she needed to keep her distance for now. Uvogin was after Kurapika, she wasn't sure of he was after her as well.

She did help kidnap him after all.

Y/n felt her phone to start vibrate after a few minutes of staying in her place, just in case one or 2 of the members were still there.

"Hello? Melody?"

"Y/n, this is bad. The man we captured..."

"He escaped...I know. I saw him leave. She looked in the direction, where the spiders had previously left from.

"Is the leader with you?"

"No...He isn't..." She replied, knowing what happened to him. "Where are you guys? and Kurapika?"

"We're getting hold of Kurapika now. We're heading towards pattern B. Return Immediately."

"...Alright. On my way."


"So, what do we do now?" Basho asked the group, with now Y/n and Kurapika with them.

"The leader is probably dead." Squala added on. "And we haven't completed the mission..."

"Shouldn't we report this to the boss?" Melody asked them

"That little girl's our boss in name alone." That statement excluded Y/n, considering she wasn't working for Neon, but instead the Buki family.

"It was someone else who hired us." They all, except Kurapika and Y/n, let out a sigh. "Light Nostrade, her father.He gave the orders and the leader received them. But the leader was the only one who knew how to contact him."

"It seems we have no choice but to report what's happened to the boss." Kurapika stood up and claimed.

Now standing in the room Kurapika was waking up Neon.

"Boss... Boss." Kurapika was trying to wake Neon up. Y/n sighed a bit and went over to Neon and tapped her shoulder lightly.

"Neon? Wake up." Neon slowly started to open her eyes, and Y/n retracted back to her position next to Kurapika.

"What time is it?" Neon asked as she sat up.

"2 AM" Kurapika replied to the girl.

"Huh? What about the auction?!"

"It's been called off." Neon tilted her head in confusion at Kurapika's reply.

"Called off? Why?"

"The auction was attacked by theives. Baise, Ivlenkov and Tocino died during the Attack."

"What?" Neon looked sad at what Kurapika told her.

"We can't reach the leader, so he's probably done for." Squala added on.

"No way..." Neon looked down. "What about the mummy?" Everyone 'huh' at her question.

"Was it really stolen? I wanted it so much..." This time Y/n replied to Neon.

"The items in the auctions were moved to a safe location, so their fine..." Neon seemed to cheer at hearing that, making everyone sweatdrop

'No wonder why Kinzu is friends with her, they're so similar...' Y/n thought to herself.

"Yay! That's great. So when is the next auction?" She asked them curiously.

"We don't know."

"What? Why not?" Neon pouted at Kurapika's reply.

"In any event, the leader handled all the communication so we don't know anything. We cannot act until we have orders."

"I don't know anything about that." Neon admitted to the group of guards. "So ask Daddy. His number is on my phone." She took her phone out and handed it off to Y/n.

Kurapika looked at Squala. "Squala, make the call." Y/n was about to hand the phone off to him when he replied.

"Huh? Why me?!"

"You've worked here longer than any of them, and I don't even work for Neon." Y/n replied as Kurapika nodded his head slightly.

"You should be the leader" Kurapika added on.

"No way! Out of the question! I'm not the leader type."

"Perhaps we should take a vote, to be fair? We need to make the call quickly." Melody asked, which everyone agreed on.

"I vote for Kurapika" Melody said. "He was the one who apprehended the bandit, along with Y/n, and he has shown excellent judgement. I believe he would make the best leader."

"No objections here. I vote for Kurapika." Basho said.

The other guy nodded his head in agreement.

"You make the call." Squala told Kurapika, as Y/n handed Kurapika the phone.

"I understand." Kurapika nodded slightly and looked at the phone. He soon handed it to Neon asking her to phone her dad first so ti wouldn't be weird. Soon she handed it back to Kurapika.

"Hello?" As the conversation went on, Y/n could only hear what kurapika was saying. "Yes...He was killed by a group of outlaws known as the Phantom Troupe....I had an opportunity to see them in action.One of them stopped a bazooka rocket with one hand. I am Kurapika, the Interim leader. Could you please issue us our orders?... I believe we should get your daughter and her friends out of Yorknew City immediately.If anything unexpected happens, we would be unable to protect her....My top priority is her safety...Understood." Soon Kurapika ended the call. he soon looked at Neon.

"Your father will arrive tomorrow night."

"really? yay!" She cheered. "I'll get him to buy me lots of clothes!"

'Definitely best friends with Kinzu..." Y/n thought.

"You have to stay in your room until then."

"What?" Neon frown at what Kurapika told her. "I want to see the casino..." Kurapika looked at Squala

"Stay here with the boss. I'll be downstairs, investigating."

"I'll come with."


Sorry for a short chapter, but hey, atleast I got one out.

Hope you enjoyed ^^

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