{14} Black Knight

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"I should go back," I murmur, rolling over to Eric. He doesn't let go, and pulls me in closer, our bodies now flush against each other. "They'll wonder where I am."

"Let them wonder." He complains, tightening his grip around me.

I chuckle, and kiss him softly on the lips before pulling out of his embrace to climb out of bed. Reluctantly he lets me go. I'm sore, but it's a pleasant ache. A reminder of exactly what we did. I don't regret it for an instant.

"You'll care, when it's all anyone is talking about." I remind him, as I start to hunt for my clothes.

They are scattered across the floor by his bed, and as I pick them up I can feel his eyes on my body, drinking me in. I should feel embarrassed, having him looking at me like this, but I enjoy it. It makes me feel powerful.

"Take a shower if you want," He offers casually. He must have seen the excitement in my face as he flashes me a knowing smile. "Yeah the showers in the Initiates accommodation are pretty dire aren't they?"

"They are terrible! Not to mention the constant worry someone is going to walk in."

"I think I might ban you from showering in there," He thunders, his face deadly serious. I raise my eyebrows but don't contradict him. He really is possessive. "Go, I have unlimited hot water. Enjoy it!"

I don't complain. The idea of a long hot shower is incredibly appealing.


I slip out of his apartment into the silence of the dimly lit corridor, and step quickly but quietly away from the door. I'm relieved there's no one in the main corridor. The further I can get away without anyone seeing me, the better.

Without warning, hands grab me. A hood is roughly pulled over my head, preventing me from seeing my attackers and a hand covers my mouth, stopping me from crying out.

Half carrying, half dragging, they start to pull me forcefully down the corridor. There must be at least three of them, but it's hard to tell.

I don't come easily.

I punch and kick, trying to wrench my arms and legs from their grasp. At one point I sink my teeth viciously into an arm, but still they don't let go.

No matter what I do though, I can't get away.

My elbow collides with something hard and one of them cries out. I seise the opportunity, punching and kicking with renewed vigour.

For a moment, I think I've managed to escape them, but I only get a few steps before they're on me again. In the confusion, I manage to pull the hood off my head and I see there's four of them.

Dressed head to foot in black, with balaclavas covering their faces, I realise this isn't some spur of the moment attack. It must have been planned. But why would they want me?

"Slut!" One of them cries, making a lunge for me.

"What the fuck do you want with me?" I cry desperately dodging out of the way.

As soon as I sidestep one, another is on me. I'm hopelessly outnumbered but I'm not about to go down without a fight.

Arching my back, I throw my weight into the one who has hold of me, allowing me to kick my legs forwards. My foot connects hard with the jaw of the one closest to me and their head hits the wall behind them with a sickening crunch. They slide slowly to the ground and don't get back up again.

"Bitch, you'll pay for that!" One screams. "We know you're fucking a leader. How else are you first?"

How the hell do they know? I've told no one.

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