part 2

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The girls laughed.
They were seated in the living room with glass of juice each in their hands and Cassie with a notepad and a pen.
“Seeing your parents act like young lovers, only makes me want to get married.” Diana said with a smile.
Cassie only rolled her eyes.
“I want my marriage to be like that; exciting and fun.” Emily spoke before she drank her juice.
Elisabeth looked at her and sighed. “Em. Didn’t you hear marriage is not a bed of roses?”
She nodded. “I know but we can make it last and exciting as Mr. and Mrs. Angelo’s.”
Cassandra looked at Emily dreaming of the kind of marriage her parents had. Her parents’ marriage was an inspiration of lasting marriages; her mom married her perfect man; but there was no perfect man. Emily had said more than once that Fred was perfect; he would never cheat or hit her.
Her dad have never hit her mom but she had been witness twice when her mom cried herself to sleep because of a silly mistake her dad made without thinking.
There was no perfect man, there was no perfect marriage.
“Seeing them act like Lovey-Dovey, makes me want to puke and they even do it in front my siblings; there are limits to some things in life.” She complained.
“Perhaps they want to show your guys how love really is; you should not be afraid to express love when you feel it; especially family.....” Diana said opinionated.
“Besides, you are only jealous because you don’t have a man to do all that with you; where the both of you will do coo-coo eyes at each other, look at each other all the time, Skype, whatsapp, Face-book, even other words, you need someone......the opposite sex in your life.” Elisabeth told her while looking down at her phone.
Cassandra looked at all three of them. Are they going crazy?
Elisabeth has a boyfriend: who works as a pilot; travelled from places to places, he wasn’t always around much they have been dating for two years. Diana has a boyfriend, he works in a convenience store, they have been dating for few months now and Emily who is getting married, dated Fred for two years and he works in a bank.
“I don’t need a man.” She said regardless.
Diana laughed and put her glass of half finished juice down before picking up the remote control. “Baby girl, every woman needs a man.”
“I beg to disagree.”
Diana scoffed and suddenly the television was forgotten, she looked at her friend.
“Let me start like this.”
Seeing Diana was more interested in making her point to Cassie, Emily collected the remote and turn on the Television. She needed a distraction. They need a distraction.
“Diana, it is not all women who want to procreate.” Cassandra told her.
She nod and continued. “Financial stability.”
She scoffed. “I am practically fine; it is not like I need money badly; I will get a job soon anyway. My parents live in a comfortable house. Economy is stable; there is still a lot of money.”
“That is the only thing women actually need the men for.” Elisabeth cuts in, taking Cassandra’s side but not entirely.
Diana smiled. “How do you explain women who are feminists like you liking young boys; old enough to be their sons because they want no commitment, because they just want to get laid, to ease the burning ache they feel, the sexual sensation they feel, women who has everything in the world?”
“Virgins cope in the nun schools.” Emily said with a light laugh as she changed the channel again.
They all smiled.
“How many can you account for?” Diana asked anyway.
“Those women can’t control themselves.” Cassie said the truth.
“If they were castrated.” Emily teased as she and Elisabeth laughed.
“They are not chickens and animals.....most of all they are not male species. You, my friend, want to feel all those feelings we talk about; you want to know how it is to love someone, to want that person to touch you, to be protected and loved by that person.” Diana said gently, looking at her.
Elisabeth just nod. Fair skinned Diana; sometimes, she wasn’t the kind to want to dissuade her from something; that was Elisabeth’s job.
“So, will you get a boyfriend or should we hook you up with one?” Emily said as she dropped the remote control on the table.
“Let me think about it, Emily.”
Emily nods with a smile.
"Or maybe you turned to the woman mastrubate using dildo and run free sex tapes and go aaaa....aaaaa.' Elisabeth said making the sound of a playing dog.
The girls laughed as Cassie said 'Ewe!' disgustingly.
They all laughed.
“You only have a few days.” Diana gave the reminder about the boyfriend thing.
She nods.
“Guys, now can we get to my day?’ Said excited Elisabeth after laughing at her friend.
Cassandra looked at them with a smile. Sometime, she wished her friends didn’t have say anything. Because now that they have given their advice; they would follow her up until they have seen her walk proudly with a guy, she could call; her boyfriend and they were heading somewhere.
“What colors should we use for the walls?” Diana asked.
Diana scoffed as she dropped her empty glass on the table. “Is that compulsory? It is not like you owe the place; it is on rent for the main time.” She said rolling her eyes and she began pressing her phone.
There was one difference between Elisabeth’s father and Diana’s. The former likes to spend on things with future purposes and the latter brought things that could be dormant for many years. If it had been Diana’s father with the issue of a studio; he would have brought the whole place; so that whenever she wanted to use it, she could go ahead and they didn’t just sell or rent out just anything.
That is the difference between the two families; one likes to spend and the other does not, even though they both have money.
“That is true.” Elisabeth said still smiling; least affected by what Diana just said; even though she had indirectly insulted her dad. But Elisabeth wasn’t the kind to just take anything to heart.
“What about drinks....for the guests?” Emily asked a more relevant question.
“I am going to call Zee about that.” Cassie answered as she stopped writing.
“What about music?” Diana asked lightly looking at them.
“That is not a problem; Ben has agreed to handle music.” Cassie answered again.
“When was that?’ Diana asked as she looked up from her phone.
They looked at her for a minute before Cassie answered.
“Few minutes before you came in.”
Diana sighed. “Wait, you mean you spoke to my brother before I did?’
Cassie exchanged glances with Diana and then looked at her other friends to bail her out from whatever Diana was getting at.
They all had Ben’s number; he is her twin brother; he was the one they’d reach if they couldn’t get in touch with her before her other friends and they all knew he love playing D.J for fun. Why was Diana surprised?
“Yes, Diana, I called him and he agreed to help out; a way to relieve stress from work; his words exactly.” Elisabeth explained with a gentle smile.
Then Cassie remembered; Diana have been trying to get through to her brother for weeks now; apparently he has been avoiding her, reasons, Diana didn’t trust her best friends enough to tell. So because she and her brother had a quarrel didn’t mean the rest of his friends couldn’t talk to him over the phone or without her permission.
Sibling’s problems, they should sort it out themselves.
“So what other things are we missing?” Elisabeth asked like Diana’s anxious face didn’t need too much attention.
And there were times; they could get back at each other.
Cassie looked from Emily to Elisabeth before she answered.  “That should be it.” She said giving Elisabeth the notepad to check if anything was missing.
Diana stood up; put the empty glasses into the tray before lifting it and taking it to the kitchen.
Cassie exchanged glance with Emily. Times where heart to heart happened. There was a group conversation among friends and there was another convincing heart to heart talk. In that case, Emily was the only one after Diana’s brother and mom, she‘d listen to and for Elisabeth; Cassie was the only one she had that much patient to open up to and for Emily; it was Cassie and was Emily.
Emily followed her; carrying the jug Diana left behind.
“Lisa; we all know today is for you. Can you just tune it down a little?”
Elisabeth looked at her and smiled as her phone rang; it was Greg: her boyfriend. “Sorry.” She said with a smile before she picked her phone.
She watched her friend laugh; giggle and smirk all over the place. She couldn’t drive her out of her own house because she was smiling and doing coo-coo eyes for someone that was not even physically present.
How does she even handle this long distance relationship thing?

HER TYPE OF GUY (Complete) Rated 13Where stories live. Discover now