chapter 20

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It's been a year and five months since yoongi got hit by a car and so much stuff has happened. Jin graduated college, jungkook got his driving license, Hoseok broke up with Jackson because he missed being single jin and Namjoon adopted a little girl named Mina, Namjoon is in his last year of college, jimin's in a honors class and Taehyung started his 3 year of college with jimin and jungkook. Yoongi is still in his second year because he never got to finish his year.

Taehyung's POV

"Why won't you wake up?" I thought to myself, I missed him I wished this never happened.  "Please yoongi, if you can hear me..please wake up" I whispers into his ear and kissed it softly. I had to go to class but I didn't want to leave him because what if he wakes up while I'm not there, I'm trying to find reason to not to go. "Tae you have to go to school, I'll stay with him and I tell you if he wakes up okay?" Jin Hyung tells me as he hold's mina's Hand " taewyung you have to go" Mina says softly "daddy says that school is good for you" I sigh "fine I'll go but I'll be back" I said to jin as I left the room, I got into my car and drove to school.

Jin's POV

I sat on the chair next to the bed while Mina sat in the other chair playing with toys I went on my phone and called Namjoon " hey, we need to do something about Taehyung"  i said to Namjoon and I dm heard him sigh on the other end "what do you mean?" He asked me "he literally won't leave yoongi" I told Namjoon, I worried about his health, I didn't know what to do "I'm worried, I had to forced him to go to school, he missed to much classes I'm afraid that he'll be kicked out." Namjoon sighed "hopefully yoongi wakes up soon" me and Namjoon said our goodbye and loves you, I sigh softly I just wished him woke up.

3 hours later

Taehyung is still at school, Mina sleeping on my lap while I did some work, I hear a slight rustling i look over to where it was coming from, when I looked I saw yoongi moving, it was only slight movement but it was something. I picked up Mina and went down the hall to get a doctor "he moved, yoongi moved" I said to the doctor, the doctor ran to the room and Him and some nurses ran some tests "it seems like your friend might wake up soon" I smiled and nodded, I couldn't wait to tell Taehyung.

Taehyung's POV

I walked to my class but I couldn't stop thinking about yoongi, what If something happened? What if I missed something. I just want him to wake up already, I miss him, I miss his beautiful face, I miss kissing his beautiful pink lips. I want him but I can't have him.. not yet. Class was done and I walked to my car and when I got there I remembered that Jin asked to me to go the store for him, he need milk and eggs. So I went to the store and I saw this absolutely adorable sweater, it reminded of yoongi so I had to get it. I got home so I put the eggs and milk in the fridge. I drove to the hospital, I walk to his room. I opened the door and walked in "the doctor said the yoongi might wake up soon" i gasped and put my my bags "what? Really?" Jin nodded and smiled I was so happy, I walked over to yoongi and kissed his fore head "please wake up baby, I need you" I begged yoongi to wake up.

1 hour later

Jin left because it was getting late and he wanted Mina to sleep in her bed but he told me that if I needed help or something call him. The doctors told me to go home because it was late and they would call if anything happened, I went home to my empty apartment, me and namjin used to live together but they wanted to their own place so they moved out but Jin stills pay the rent because I'm having a hard finding a job and I'm busy with school and yoongi so hyung helps me out.
I got ready for bed but when I got into my bed something felt wrong but I didn't know what was wrong so I laid down and closed my eyes, I put my alarm on and put my ringer up all the way so If something happened I would wake up.

6 am

I woke up and went to the bathroom and got ready for school, after school I'm going to visit yoongi but while I'm at school jin's going to be with him so that's good. I went to the kitchen and started make food for myself when I got a call from jimin " hey" I say as I answer the phone "hi how are you?" Jimin asked me I smiled and said "I'm good what about you?" He said he was good and said the he jungkook are going on a date today and I was happy for him "you know what day is coming up?" Jimin asks me "yes jimin, me and yoongi's anniversary it's going to be a year soon" me and yoongi are to be dating for a year soon and I hope he's awake when it comes, me and jimin said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. I ate my food and grabbed my bag and walked to my car, I got in and drove to school. I got out of my car and walked to class, I got there and sat down, got my books out my bag and started on my test but I stopped when I saw the call, I told the doctor that I needed to take and left the room "hello" I said "you need to come to the hospital"
"Why?" They told me the reason, tears formed in my eyes as I grabbed my bag and ran to car and drove as fast I could. I got there and went to his room and opened the door. "Was it really true"


Sorry that this took so long

And I hope you like it

I wished you guys would comment on my chapters but whatever.


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