3//In The Open//3

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"You're what??" Molly yelled.

Well if you guessed that you told Fred's parents and Sirius about you being pregnant...

Ding! Ding! Ding! (TOP OF MORNING! Jacksepticeye? Just me? Okay)

"It was an accident we didn't plan for this to happen." You quickly said.

"Of course you didn't. But yet you still got pregnant? What were you thinking?! Not using protection?!" Molly yelled.

Arthur and Sirius just sat there looking disappointed, which was way worse than getting yelled at.

"We did use protection. But they only work 97% of the time and we were the unlucky chaps that got thrown into the remaining 3%" Fred said and you sighed, slightly nodding in agreement.

"But still, what were you thinking?! You two are too young to look after a child." Molly said.

"Maybe too young but incapable we aren't. The store has made a lot of money and we've only been open a few days. Y/n is the brightest witch at Hogwarts besides Hermione. I think we're both capable." Fred said.

"But you threw your lives away." Molly sighed as she sat down on the sofa, feeling defeated.

"It's not that, that we're worried about. We're more worried about bringing the kid into the middle of all of this." You sighed and Fred put a comforting hand on your knee.

"We'll be there every step of the way. We know you two didn't intend on this but you two have to admit that it was a mistake. However, I must admit you two would make amazing parents." Sirius smiled which caught both you and Fred by surprise.

Apparently Molly too because she looked at him as he had just snorted feathers. (Dont know what the fuck I just said)

"I agree, with Sirius and Molly. You two are too young but you are also capable and we'll be there every step of the way." Arthur said.

"You cant be serious," Molly blurted.

"Molly, dear, I understand you're upset-" Arthur started but Molly cut him off.

"Upset? Upset, doesnt even begin to describe it." She said.

"-Bu they are teenagers and teenagers make mistakes. They made a mistake and as parents we should help them. We shouldn't take the problem away from them we should let them deal with it and just be there to support them." Arthur said.

"He's right. They have to grow up to correct their own mistakes but they will always need someone to turn to no matter how bad of a mistake they made. And for that they have us." Sirius said.

Molly sighed, knowing they were right. With these uncertain times you don't know how much time you have left with the person standing next to you.

One minute they could be standing next to you and the next they could be gone.

But that doesn't mean you should spend every waking moment with them, just cherish ever moment you spend with them. And not forget the moments you had with them.

So Molly looked at you and Fred and sighed, "I will help you two get through this. Y/n, you're like my daughter and I couldn't be happier that Fred chose you. You two are perfect together and you're going to be amazing parents. And I'll be there every step of the way."

You smile at her through tears and you threw your arms around her, embracing her tightly.

She hugged you back and rubbed your back comfortingly and gave you a peck on the head.

You and Fred had gone up to your room and you two laid in each other's arms.

"That wasn't really the end result I thought we would've gotten. I thought your mother was going to kick us out of the house." You said and Fred chuckled as he stroked your upper arm with his fingers.

"I thought so too, but we're lucky she didn't." Fred said.

"Yeah, we are." You smiled.

Short and shitty chapter sorry.

Also sorry for the slow updates, but I did say I would be taking a tiny break on the whole Fred's Girl series.

I am thinking of starting a new book. But it will be a while before I actually post it.

Thanks for all love and support!!!

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