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You stared at your arm in disgust. You hated the fact that you had the dark mark on your arm. You hated it.

But you had no choice.

"Let me go!" You yelled as the Death Eaters dragged you into the Malfoy Manor.

"Now, now, Y/n. You wouldn't want anything to happen to little Rose, now do you?" Voldemort smirk.

"Leave my daughter out of this." You said and glared at him.

"Of course I will, if you join my side."

You had no choice. What else were you supposed to do? You weren't going to let your daughter get hurt.

What kind of mother would you be?

So you agreed and you joined his side. You knew you were going to die in anyway but as long as you lived and you were on their side, you knew Rose and Fred were safe.

Months had passed and things only got worse. Muggleborns are being killed, daily and it breaks your heart.

Luna, Dean, Mr Olivander and Griphook was captured and you had gone down to the dungeon everyday to see them.

You and Draco are talking like you two were old friends. You two were both stressed and worried. You felt sorry for Draco, he was dragged into this against his will.

Everyone treated you with the same respect that they had for Voldemort. It was weird...

There was a knock on your door and you looked at Draco confused.

He was sitting on an arm chair not far from you, reading a book.

"Come in." You said and the door opened to reveal Narcissa.

"You two are wanted in the foyer." She said before shutting the door again.

You and Draco walked out of the room and walked down the stairs.

Your eyes widened and your breath hitched as you saw the last three people you wanted to see here.

There in front of you, on their knees, were Harry, who doesn't look like himself at all but you knew it was him, Ron and Hermione.

"Do you two recognize any of these three?" Bellatrix asked.

"No, we don't." You said calmly.

"My lady, are you sure? Do you not want a closer look?" Bellatrix said and you internally cringed at what she had called you.

"Yes, I am quite sure. I don't recognize the ugly one at all. The other two I've seen around school but I don't know either of them." You said, "Besides, you're wasting my time!"

"My apologies, your grace." She said, "What should I do with them?"

"Throw them in the dungeon." You said before turning around and walking back up the stairs with Draco following.

"What are you going to do?" Draco asked once you were alone.

"Wait until their in the dungeons then help them escape." You said.

"What if you get caught?" He asked.

"I won't." You said.

You waited a few more minutes before you walked to the dungeons.

Once you got down there, you quietly opened the gate and walked in.

"Y/n!" Hermione said quietly and she hugged you tightly.

"I'm so glad you guys are safe." You said, hugging Ron.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked as he hugged you.

"They threatened Rose. They said if I didn't join them they would hurt her." You said.

"Don't worry, they're both safe." Ron said.

"Okay thank you." You said, "I can't stay long, but I'm going to leave the gate open."

You heard a whoosh sound and you turned around and saw Dobby.

"Dobby," You smiled.

"Dobby has come to save Y/n and Harry Potter." Dobby said.

"Just Harry, Dobby. I'll meet you guys outside in the woods." You said.

"What if they catch you?" Hermione asked.

"They won't, I promise." You said and smiled at them.

"I have to go, be safe." You said before you apparated out of the dungeon and into your room.

"Did it work?" He asked and you nodded.

"They're going to be safe." You said.

"You can't stay, they will know it was you." Draco said.

"I know, but I haven't much of a choice but to face the consequences." You said.

Moments later Bellatrix storms into your room.

"It was your brother! You lied!" She yelled.

"I didn't! If I recognized any of them I would've told you." You said and glared at her.

"You're in big trouble. The Dark Lord is furious with you." She said before walking out of the room.

"That's my queue," You said and grabbed your wand.

"What?" Draco asked.

"I'm leaving." You said and looked at him, "I wish you the best of luck, and remember, you're nothing like them."

With that said you apparated out of the hous and into the garden.

You ran out of the gates and made a break for the woods.

"Y/n!" You stopped dead in your tracks as you heard your name. You turned around and saw Harry and Dobby.

"Oh thank Merlin you're safe." You said hugging Harry.

"The others are at Shell Cottage." Harry said as you two pulled away.

"And what about Rose and Fred?" You asked.

"They're at Grimmauld Place with Sirius. Don't worry, they're safe." He said and you nodded.

"Let's go Dobby." You said and Dobby nodded.

Dobby snapped his fingers and you're met with the sound of waves crashing.

"Everyone alright?" Ron asked walking over.

You smiled at him and nodded.

"By the way, what's the date?" You asked.

"It's  February 25, why?" Hermione asked.

(I know the timeline is wrong but like yeah, u will see in a second)

"Is there anyway that I could get to Grimmauld place before tomorrow?" You asked.

"What's tomorrow?" Harry asked.

"Rose's first birthday." You said.

"I could get you there." Dobby said and you smiled at him and nodded.

"I'm going to see my daughter again." You smiled to yourself.


Imma try to shift. Last night I came close and it was my first time.

Today I did a little bit more research on shifting and got me a shit ton of methods and I think I'm going to be trying the Raven method first.

Wish me luck!

Hogwarts here I come!

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