9//Start of The Last Year//9

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(Broke my heart writing the title)

"Your daughter is seven months old not 7 years. I don't want you teaching her your pranks." You said narrowing your eyes at Fred.

He had taken Rose and he was showing her one of his tricks.

"Come on, love. She's going to be a legacy!" Fred chuckled as he held Rose in his arms.

She was staring at you wide eyed and you giggled. She had the most beautiful brown eyes which she got from her father. You on the other hand had your father's hazel eyes. (Hold on a sec, lemme just go put my contacts in)

"Wait until she's older." You said and walked over to them. Rose made grabby hands at and you smiled as you took her into your arms.

"I have to go get this one dressed for your brother's wedding." You said and you smiled at Rose before kissing her on the cheek.

"Let me help," Fred smiled as he followed you up the stairs to your bedroom.

"You get started, I'm going to get dressed in my dress." You said as you grabbed the dress from where it was laying on the bed.

"I haven't seen you in a dress since the Yule ball." Fred said as he was busy trying to get Rose into her dress.

"Your mother is making me wear it." You sighed as you turned around and took your clothes off and then put the dress on.

It was a black dress, it had sleeves and it reach to just above your knees.

You turned around and faced Fred and you giggled as you watched him struggle to get the outfit on.

"Let me help." You giggled as you walked over.

Fred stepped back as you put Rose's dress on.

You picked Rose up and turned around to face Fred and his jaw was dropped, almost dragging on the floor.

"What?" You asked.

"Is that my girlfriend?" He said and you rolled your eyes as you shook your head.

You walked over to the bed and sat down and placed Rose on the bed next to you.

"It's just a dress, Freddie." You chuckled as you put your heels on.

"You look gorgeous, my love. I am going to be holding your hand the whole time though, I don't want you to break your ankle with those things." Fred said and you laughed.

"Thank you, I was going to ask you to do it." You said and stood up.

You turned around and picked up Rose.

"Oh don't you just look gorgeous?" You said as you looked at Rose in her dress.

"The prettiest princess at the ball," Fred said as he wrapped his arms around you and booped Rose on the nose. (Cutest rhyme I've ever written)

She giggled and your smile only widened.

"Let's get downstairs, the wedding's about to start." You said as you took Fred's hand and walked out the door.

You walked down the stairs with Rose in your arms and once you got downstairs, Molly immediately took her away from you.

"And there she goes." You chuckled as Molly walks outside with Rose.

"I'm beginning to think that Rose is going to be kidnapped by my mother one of these days." Fred said and you laughed as you nodded.

You sat at one of the tables and watched Fred dance with Rose in his arms.

You smiled as you thought about how lucky you were to have the both of them.

You got up and walked over to them and Fred wrapped his free arm around your waist and you wrapped an arm around his neck and then placed one on Rose.

You swayed to the music with Fred and Rose.

"Marry me." Fred suddenly said and you looked at him confused.

"What?" You asked.

"Marry me," He smiled.

"Fred-" You said but he cut you off.

"No, we don't know how much longer we have and we already have a kid together." He said, "Your 17, so you're practically an adult now and besides, I can't imagine my life without you."

You looked at Fred and you gave him a soft smile before kissing him, "yes." You said.

Fred smiled widely and kissed you again, more passionately this time.

You giggled as you heard Rose make a grumbling noise as you and Fred kissed.

She didn't like PDA.

You turned to Rose and giggled as you saw her displeased expression.

"Sorry, grumpynuts." You giggled as you kissed her on the cheek a few times causing her to squirm and giggle.

Then something had to ruin the moment. A loud bang was heard and the black smoke filled the tent.

Death Eaters!

You grabbed Fred's hand and you two ran outside and Fred held Rose close to him.

"Y/n, they're here for us." Harry said running towards you with Hermione and Ron.

"We have to leave." Hermione said.

You turned to Fred and Rose with tears in your eyes.

"I love you both." You said and hugged them.

"Be safe." Fred said.

"Y/n, get your wand!" Hermione said and you nodded.

Dodging death eaters you ran inside and grabbed your wand.

You got outside and before you could reach Hermione and the others.

You were grabbed by a death eater.

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