12//Last Of The Horcruxes//12

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"So you three get to Gringotts and get the cup, I'll go to Hogwarts and start preparing everyone." You said as you slung your bag over your shoulder.

"Right, just be careful." Harry said.

You smiled at him sadly before embracing him in a tight hug.

"You be careful." You said before pulling away.

You walked out of the cottage and you apparated to Hogsmeade. It wasn't that far from Hogwarts, but it was still quite a walk.

You walked as quick as you could and eventually you reached Hogwarts.

"Ms Potter, what are you doing here?" McGonnagall asked as you walked into the courtyard.

"I'm here to prepare everyone for war." You said.

"War?" She asked and you nodded sadly at her.

"Follow me," She said and you followed her into the Great Hall where everyone was gathered.

"What is she doing here?" A few Slytherins barked.

"Watch your tongue." You spat and they quickly backed away.

You stood in front of the whole school and they all stared or glared at you.

"A war is coming to Hogwarts." You said and everyone's eyes widened.

"Why dont we just give you and your brother to them! Then they'll leave us alone." Pansy yelled and the Slytherins started shouting for you to turn yourself in.

"Mr Flich, take the Slytherin's to their common room." McGonnagall ordered and all the Slytherins were escorted out of the Great Hall.

"I'm afraid that we don't have much time. They will be here in a matter of hours. I want you to practice your defense spells, everyone help the younger years that haven't learned the defence spells yet. They're going to need it." You said.

"Goodluck everyone. Let's fight for our home." You said and everyone scurried away.

"Y/n!" You turned to the entrance of the Great Hall and you saw the entire Order.

"Fred," You smiled as your eyes landed on him.

You ran forward and wrapped your arms around him.

"I missed you," He whispered.

"I missed you too. Where's Rose?" You asked as you pulled away.

"She and Teddy are with my mother." Tonks said and you nodded at her gratefully.

"How long until they get here?" Sirius asked.

"Hours, I think. They're going to arrive during the night. Early morning." You said.

"That's not much time." Molly said.

"I know, Harry, Ron and Hermione are-" You got cut off by someone yelling, "Harry!" You turned your head and saw Harry and Ginny hugging with Ron and Hermione behind them.

"Did you guys get the cup?" You asked.

"And we destroyed it. We have four left and we only know about the two of them." Ron said.

"Well we better figure it out then." You said.

"I see something!" Someone yelled and everyone rushed outside to see the hundreds of death eaters.

"There's too many of them." Neville said.

"Dont worry, everything will be fine." You reassured him.

"Where's Harry with that Diadem?" You said.

Just then Harry came running up to you with the Diadem in his hands.

"We have to destroy it." You said.

"We still have to figure out the last 2 horcruxes." Harry said as the two of you rushed inside.

"Okay, let's think. When he died, well sort of. His soul was split in 8 pieces. We know 6 of those. What else could it be." Harry said.

"No shit, captain obvious." You groaned.

"No wonder everyone is always mad when they're around you. You're making jokes in the middle of the war!" Harry exclaimed.

"Now is not-" You stopped as you replayed what Harry had said last.

"Say that again." You said.

"No wonder everyone is always mad-" You then joined, "when they're around you."

"Harry, think! You guys told me how the locket gave you a sudden rage everytime you were around it for too long." You said.

"Yes, I know." Harry said still not getting the point.

"Harry! Think! Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon and Dudley. They may have been nasty people but maybe they weren't that mean all the time. They were just mad." You said and Harry looked at you confused.

"What do they have to do with this? Y/n, we have a war to fight we can't be thinking of a family reunion!" Harry exclaimed.

"God fucking dammit Potter!" (Draco Tok!) You yelled and hit him on the side of his head, "We're the fucking horcruxes!"

"Ow that hu- oh dear god." Harry said in realization.

"We always knew one of us had to die. I always thought it be us but I didn't know why! Now I do!" You said.

"But he's going to have to kill us Y/n! Rose can't grow up without a mother." Harry said.

"I'd rather her grow up without a mother than her not grow up at all because as soon as he takes over, everyone we know and love is dead. At least we have a chance to kill him." You said.

"How are we going to tell them?" Harry said as he looked at the order.

"I don't think we should. Make it less painful." You sighed and looked at Fred.

"Then we go." Harry said.

"Let's destroy the Diadem first. Maybe there's something in the room of requirement." You said and grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him away.

You knew that you were going to die and now you finally know why.

You're more than happy to die for your home.

Hogwarts was the first place you felt at home. It's where you made your first friend.

It's where you met Fred.

I'm not crying, you are😭

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