bus boy

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Payton x Jaden  .
my fingers on the trigger.

Jaden was walking one night to his favorite diner. he was going there one because he was hungry and two there was a cute little bus boy.

it was around 3am when Jaden walked in, " hey kid it's a little- Oh hey Jaden" a man said.

" Nice to see you too uncle Rodger," Jaden said as he sat in a booth.

that's when he saw the boy, "Payton" is what his name tag said.

" um sir are you ready to order?" the waitress asked giving Jaden a wink.

" um yeah first I'll have a side of I'm Gay, and second I'll have some eggs with pancakes and a cup of coffee," the waitress wrote all it down and then rolled her eyes and walked away. Jaden scoffed at her homophobia and went on his phone.

Payton the bus boy had always thought Jaden was the most beautiful person in the world.

now he never had the courage to talk to him but tonight was different. Payton took his break and sat down at a table next to Jaden's booth.

" aye man, why don't you come to sit with me," Jaden said to the younger boy.

"s-sure" Payton stuttered.

Payton got out of his chair and went into the booth.

" So why do you come here so late?" Payton asked. " uh can't sleep and my uncle owns the place" Jaden said twiddling with his fingers.

" oh cool"

" s-so you work here," Jaden asked quite a bit nervous but it was an obvious answer

" uh yeah just need a little extra money"

" ok cool well i should let you go back to work"

" yeah, my shift is over in like 20 so I'll see you after?"

" uh yeah for sure, here's my number" Jaden said as he wrote his number on a napkin for Payton to take.

Payton took the napkin and folded it neatly in his back pocket. he finished the last 20 minutes with a smile on his face.


" Hey I'm done if you wanna go now" Payton said as he yawned and rubbed his eye.

" sure we can go to your place if you tired." Jaden said as he watched Payton yawn

" yeah i- i would like that" Payton said. the two walked home and their hands kept brushing against one another's

they got to Payton's house, he lived by himself and he was only 18 and Jaden was 20.

" Welcome to my humble dwelling hole," Payton said as a complete joke.

" you live by yourself?" Jaden questioned

"yeah I'm 18 how about you"

" uh I'm 20 and live with my two friends" Jaden said as he looked around the place.

" so imma hop in the shower and will be back in like 10 minutes do whatever honestly," Payton said looking at Jaden

" uh yeah okay" Jaden said as he watched Payton turn around and run up the stairs.

Jaden just sat down on the couch and turned on some tv and just flipped through the channels. Payton came down in just a few minutes. He was wearing some shorts and a hoodie.

" damn that was quick" Jaden said as he looked at Payton and bit his lip.

" i work quickly, do you want a drink or something" Payton offered Jaden

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