i loved you

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Jaden x Bryce

Bryce's pov
it's been 1 month since Jaden and I went on our 'break'. Well... we went on it because of me.

I didn't think I fucked up that bad but apparently, I did. I hadn't left my room in a month if I needed food I would order it and have Josh bring it to me.

I just feel so lost without him. He was my everything I loved- love him so much and I know I fucked up. That's pretty much who I am just a fuck up. Can't do anything right for the sake of god. Anytime I would say that about myself Jaden would tell me how good I was to him. But my dumb ass had to fuck that up too. I also haven't posted in a month and claimed that I was going a on short "break" but haven't come back from it yet.

" bro get up you've been in there for a whole ass month" someone said knocking at the door. I get up to open it and it was Griffin he's like the dad of the group.

" why are you here" I said questioning him.

" You haven't left your room in a month everyone misses you and oh yeah you haven't addressed anything that's going around now," he says putting his phone in my face and it was open to tiktokroom.

Shit I hope that didn't get out I look at the post and it was me and Addison making out and then the post above it was part of me and Addison having sex. I hand him the phone back and go get ready for once. After I took a shower I got dressed and went live.

" Hey guys it's me I'm back and I'm here to explain everything. First, yes Jaden and I are on a break" I said trying not to cry. "second I know most of y'all have seen the videos of me and Addison, I take full responsibility for that and I'm working on getting them down and off the internet. Next, I know I have posted in a month but I will be back in a few days." I said as I ended my life.

Jadens pov
it's been a month since Bryce and I started the break. I made us go on this break to better see selves as people. I was heartbroken when I found out he hooked up with Addison and when he made out with her.

But Kio has been here for me mentally and physically. We haven't done anything sexual because I told him I still Loved Bryce. But I couldn't deal with him and the Addison thing and my career I go onto my phone and look at tiktokroom and see clips from Bryces live that he did.

"I still love him and I know that I fucked up but I'm working on it," he said I get off my phone with the words he said still in my head.

I go downstairs to go get some water from the fridge and then I see him, Bryce sitting there I haven't said anything or seen him for like a month he's just sitting there talking to Griffin.

I just get my water from the fridge trying to be quiet as possible. He hears the door and looks at me we make eye contact he then gets up but I walk off and head into Kio's room.

"Jaden can we talk," he says as he follows me down the hall

"What is there to talk about Bryce?" I said looking back at him.

" Us we need to talk about us and I-I are sorry for what I did and you don't have to forgive me or get back with me but I just wanted to tell you that I'll always love you more than the next guy. I blamed myself every day for the past month for what I did and losing you was the worst mistake I have ever made I lost it all you are my everything. But if you don't want us anymore I'm fine with that just know that I love you" He said almost crying but my dumb self already was crying he stilled loved me.

I walk a bit closer to him and whisper " I love you bubba and would love to take you back but we need to fix some things first"

He looks at me, " So then be mine again?" he said with tears going down his face.

" yes I'll be your bubba" I whispered to him before he pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.

We stood in the hallway for a bit just hugging until the guys came running down. We saw griffin run into Kio's room and the rest of the guys following we just walk out and go to Bryce's room and sit on his balcony.

" When you said you haven't left your room for a month how'd you eat," I said while sitting in his lap cuddling him with my head in his neck.

" I order food and when it got to the house Josh brought it to me," He said just looking at the sunset. We sat on the balcony until it was dark out and talked while I gave him some hickeys on his neck.

Once it was completely dark we laid down on his bed and I cuddled him while he fell asleep but I quickly did after listing to his cute little snores.

*Time skip one month *

Bryce and Jaden have spent one month just rebuilding their relationship and taking things slow.

Which their relationship was stronger than it ever was. They spent the days on cute dates or making tiktoks, Or sometimes just making out and fucking. But they liked doing small things with each other.

Jaden loved the cute dates Bryce planned for them. His favorite was when they went to Malibu for the day and Bryce got lost driving but Jaden loved to drive for a long time just listening to music and not caring where he was going.

Bryce just loved spending time with Jaden or getting fucked by him or fucking him. But no matter what they always Loved each other. Forever and always

thanks for 1k reads it means so much
someone said to do more Bryce and Jaden so I did. they did have the best bromance out of the group. but yeah

leave some suggestions and plots or au's so I can write more and drop some ships too.

by hoes

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