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Jaden x Anthony
  *also go read part 2 to this book*
Just some monster energy drink


" Heres to another hopeless night"

"Cheers," Anthony brought the monster energy drink up to his mouth the truth is Anthony never slept because of Jaden. Jaden was the one thing Anthony had good in life.

He fucked up.

" why do I fuck everything up" He yelled out to himself. he downed the whole can within seconds and ate goldfish and blasted music.

I forgot to mention it was 11:30 pm so some people may be sleeping. the boys had heard what noises were coming from Anthony's room and they were tired of it.

so they sent Jaden up to go talk to him, even though Jadens words won't even register through Anthony's head. but they were hoping it would this time.

" Anthony" Jaden banged on the door.

" the fuck do you want?" Anthony yelled as he walked to the door rolling his eyes

" can you stop making so much fucking noise," Jaden said in a calm voice but he had taken notice of Anthony's eyes which were ready and puffy.

"I ain't even making that much noise" He exclaimed.

" Maybe you were right if I just had left we wouldn't be here right now. life would be better if I were dead" he continued on he really did feel like everything that went wrong in life was his fault

" bu- Anthony that's not what I meant you know that," Jaden said trying to clear things up.

" really cause that's not what you said that night," Anthony said as he had tears rolling down his face.

"I'm sorry I really am"

" you know what never mind I fucked it up I'm sorry for not loving you hard enough, I'm sorry that I wasn't good enough for you. I'm fucking sorry that me hugging a girl who I have known for years was considered cheating" Anthony said slamming the door.

he was hugging his sister when Jaden walked in that day. Jaden just stood there in shock from what Anthony just said.

Jaden had broken up with Anthony for 'cheating' on him which he clearly didn't but Jaden didn't want an explanation from Anthony. and out of anger, Jaden may have told Anthony life would be better if he was dead. but Jaden clearly didn't mean i.

as Anthony went back into his room he blasted music. but it was one song that Jaden knew by heart and that he knew by heart.

"I love you" by Billie Eilish. Jaden had played that song the night he told Anthony he loved him. and on their first date, but all that shit was for nothing. it meant nothing to Anthony now

but it meant everything to Jaden. Anthony didn't want anything to do with that scum bag of a bitch

as Jaden was walking downstairs he heard the song playing and tears began to prickle his eyes. he hurt Anthony and he couldn't fix it. it was all over, it was truly his fault. if only he could go back to 3 days ago.

Anthony hadn't slept in 3 days, well he's gotten sleep but in bunches and for like 2 hours at a time. but it's better than nothing he's literally been living off of water, monster energy, and goldfish.

he spent every night crying and every day blaming himself. when really he wasn't the one to blame. but tears always fell from his eyes, and what sucked is that no one seemed to care.

the boys did care they just knew Anthony wasn't gonna listen to them. Jaden continued down the steps trying to drown out the noise from the song.

the boys looked at Jaden as he made it down. all had sad looks on their faces. they all knew the meaning of that song to Jaden.

" bud he'll come around eventually," Griffin said with worry in his voice not really knowing if Anthony would ever come around.

" yeah, but I fucked up and he's blaming himself" Jaden cried in Griffin's arms.

" well, you need to tell him that" Bryce chimed in.

Anthony just sat in his room writing a letter.

dear friends, it has been a while and I've wanted to get this off my chest. I love you all and yes even Jaden (well I'm still thinking about that). I'm not dead just needed to get out for a bit. get some fresh air I'll be back in a few hours but no one call or text me. I just need to think about what I did to Jaden. I fucked up and I know I can't fix it, I blame myself every day for it. I hope y'all understand see ya at like 5:30 pm for dinner.  
             - Anthony mother fuckers

Anthony wrote the letter with no intention of doing anything but just going for a walk with his little sister Avani. they were the best of friends and siblings. they always had deep conversations with each other. they really did love each other.

Anthony loved Jaden but apparently, it wasn't good enough.

maybe I was never enough for him

21ᴋ ʀᴇᴀᴅs ᴡᴏᴡ

also, like 10 more one-shots and then this book is done but I do have book 2 ready

but like yeah bye hoes

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