Prologue: A Strange Button.

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(A/N: Anyways, before you could read this book. You must check out my Konosuba book and go to the BIO chapter part to see what you look like in this book. Also, if you have questions...

Is the reader will be the same in the Konosuba book?
"Yes, the reader from the Konosuba book will appear here aka you."

Is Yuuki here in this book?
"Yes, Yuuki is in this book". 

Does the Epilogue affect on this story?
"No. The confession between Megumin and Yuuki to you at the epilogue chapter on my Konosuba book does not affect on this story."

Anyways I hope you all understand and let's ourselves have some fun.


-No one's P.O.V-

You and Yuuki were on your way to the mansion to meet up the others. You and Yuuki had finished a quest recently and got yourselves some money and you decided to wear new clothes instead of your old one.

(A/N: In this story, you will have new clothes, if you want to know to what your clothes look like, check it out on chapter three. This is your new clothes on this book:

(A/N: Yeah, you'll have Ozpin's clothes

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(A/N: Yeah, you'll have Ozpin's clothes.)

Once the two of you went inside the mansion and walked in, as the two of you can heart Aqua's tantrum inside of the living room.

Yuuki: I wonder what they're doing...

Yuuki wonders, as you shrugged your shoulders and the two of you went inside and greeted.

(Y/N): Hey y'all!

They all noticed you and Yuuki entering the room, as Darkness spoke up.

Darkness: Ah, how's the quest you two?

She asked in curiosity, as Yuuki spoke up. 

Yuuki: Eh, it was pretty easy to kill Gargoyles. Thanks to (Y/N) shooting skills, we managed to beat them off easily.

Megumin: Are those clothes new?

(Y/N): Oh yeah, I just bought these anyway and I kind of thought they looked cool.

Aqua: (Y/N)! Yuuki! Let me through! 

You and Yuuki turned to see Aqua covered with toad slime all over her.

(Y/N): Whoa, what happened to you?

Aqua: Kazuma and the others went on a toad hunting and I got slime on me because of this shut-in NEET!

Aqua exclaimed and pointed at Kazuma, as he got jumped up a little and spoke up.

Kazuma: I am not a shut-in NEET! And anyway, you only ended up like that because you ran ahead of the rest of us. It's your own fault, you useless goddess.

Aqua: *Gasps* He called me a useless Goddess! Kazuma called me a useless goddess!

He picked up something from the bag, and you noticed something fall out of it. You quickly used your super speed to pick it up, and you looked to see controlled button. 

(Y/N): What's this thing?

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(Y/N): What's this thing?

Kazuma: Huh? Let me see it.

You showed Kazuma a big red button.

Kazuma: Why is there a big red button on my bag?

(Y/N): I don't know. Did you picked it up from somewhere?

Kazuma thinks for a moment before speaking to you.

Kazuma: I don't remember putting the button in there.

You sighed and placed the button down at the table and waited for Aqua to come back.


Eventually, Aqua came back nice and clean and she noticed the button on the table and asked-

Aqua: Oh, Kazuma. What's that?

Darkness: It seems to be some kind of button.

Yuuki: It's kind of suspicious  that there's a button here with us.

Aqua leans in the observe the button, as she spoke up.

Aqua: Let's push it!

(Y/N): Whoa, hey now! We can't just push the button out of curiosity!

Eventually Aqua start to have a tantrum on tempting to push the button, as Kazuma was trying to pull her back to prevent her to push the button.  

Aqua: Why can't I push it? Let me do it! Just a little!

Kazuma: It's obviously suspicious! We should have Valerie to take a look at it.

(A/N: If you don't know who Valerie is, she's actually the female Vanir from my Konosuba book. So I decided to put her in this book.)

That's when Megumin popped out on the table and spoe up.

Megumin: Kazuma is completely correct.

Kazuma: Megumin! You crimson demons are smart! You get it!

Kazuma spoke in relief...or so he thought?

Megumin: But if you're asking me whether or not we should push it....I think we should!

She pressed the button and nothing had happened. Confused by this, Suddenly, everything around the room began to mellow, as you spoke up.

(Y/N): What have you done...

Kazuma: I told you it was a trap! 

Darkness: What kind of trap I be forced to endure? Will I be frozen in place and turned into someone's plaything before being sold...

Yuuki: Darkness, I know you're happy right now, but we're in a precarious position here!

Then Megumin pulled out a peace sign and a smirk on her face.

Kazuma: And you'd damn well better wipe that smirk off your face!

Just then, you felt Aqua was holding onto your arm and spoke up.

Aqua: (Y/N)! The world's getting all weird!

(Y/N): I know because Megumin pressed the button out of it.

Megumin: Hey! Why are you blaming me for?!

(Y/N): You pressed the button and look around you. It feels like our view that we're going to lose our mind.

You spoke with a calm face. That's when everything on your eyes began to glow in front of you, as you, Kazuma and the others began to transport from somewhere else.

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