Chapter 2: Class Introductions

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-No one's P.O.V-

For a few minutes of the class, the guy in somewhat of a jester began to start the class. 

Jester: These are the rules for your new school liiiiife.

The rules were, Learn Hard, Play Hard, No violence,.

Jester: You guys are now all fellow stuuuudents. Make sure you all get aloooong....

That's when the guy with the white and grey tracksuit raised his hand and spoke up.

Tracksuit: Ros-chi! 

Ros-chi: I am your teacher now.

Tracksuit Dude: Mr. Ros-Chi. What the heck are we doing here?

The jester named Ros-chi spoke back to him.

Ros-Chi: School life.

Tracksuit. Yes, school life. The central facet of every young boy's life! But lots of my classmates are clearly not students!

He judged and pointed at everyone, as Ros-chi spoke up.

Ros-Chi: You shouldn't judge people based on their appeaaaaarances! 

Pink Haired Maid: You're a terrible boy, judging people by their appearances, Barusu.

Tracksuit Dude: No, no, no! That is clearly not the issue here.

Then the Undead Overlord clears his throat and spoke up.

Undead: So what you are telling us is that we have to have the "School Life" together with the rest of the people here?

Ros-Chi: That would be correeect.

Undead: And if I refuse?

Ros-Chi: You can't refuse, you would be punished for violating the school rules.

(Y/N): *Mutters* Big oof rule right there.

-Mini Time Skip-

For some time later, you noticed Kazuma who was staring at the Tracksuit dude, as you spoke up.

(Y/N): Kazuma, why are you staring at the dude?

Kazuma: Oh, that tracksuit he was wearing is similar to mine.

Yuuki: Is that so?

Kazuma: Kind of, yeah.

Megumin: Oh, they're like beat up, stupid-looking clothes you were wearing.

Kazuma: Did you have to put it like that?

You sighed, as Yuuki noticed this and spoke up to you.

Yuuki: Is something bothering you, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Nah, I just can't get rid of these...funny feeling off of me for a second.

Yuuki: Maybe it's something.

(Y/N): I don't know...

That's when Ros-Chit claps his hands, making everyone paid attention to him, as he spoke up.

Ros-Chi: Okay everyone! Introductions, it's time for introductions! Let's start with Subaru!

The guy in the tracksuit named Subaru stood up and introduced himself.

Subaru: Okay. My name is Subaru Natsuki! Not only I'm clueless, I'm also broke beyond compare! Nice to meet ya!

He gives a thumbs up and a wink, as the pink haired maid spoke up.

Pink Haired Maid: It's good to see that. No matter what world we find ourselves in. Nobody thinks Basuru is funny.

Subaru: Did you have to say it like that?

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