Final Chapter: Against the Destroyer

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-No one's P.O.V-

So right now, everyone is now facing towards the Destroyer, as the three teachers jumped off the Giant Robot Spider/The Destroyer and it began to move forward.

Subaru: What the hell is that thing?!

(Y/N): It's the mobile fortress called The Destroyer. Me, Kazuma and the others have fought it from our world and destroyed it.

Tanya: So you guys know how?

Kazuma: I think we can!

Ainz: Hey, look at it's head.

They all looked up to see that there is a headband on the of its head.

Subaru: Are you serious?

Roswaal: We are serious! Now, students...It's time or round two!

Roswaal began to use his magic and shoots fire balls at everyone.

Roswaal: Hurry, or there will be no where to run!

Both Pandora's Actor and Valerie commits magic of their own and makes mini versions of themselves forming a quarter and began attacking.

Felt: Watch out!

Reinhard: I'll protect you!

Chris, Reinhard, and Felt were attacking the dolls to prevent themselves from getting hit.

Kazuma: This is hopeless. Let's give up.

(Y/N): Who says we're hopeless? Remember, we defeated that thing before, and we're going to take it down!

You said, as you used Super Speed and began to slice the legs on its left, using your Scythe.

Yuuki: I'm coming too!

Yuuki joined in, as she went to the right and began to use her sword to cut down its metal legs.

Tanya: Yuuki and (Y/N) are right, we can't give up to defeat this thing. (Y/N) and Yuuki are taking those legs down, we might still have a chance.

Kazuma: Maybe you're right. Maybe I could use "Steal" to capture the headband! Steal!

Nothing happens.

Kazuma: Okay! I'll steal from these guys! Steal!

Nothing else happens.

Tanya: What are you doing?

Kazuma: Why?! It's never failed like this before!

Chris: Kazuma! This world alters your stats! The rules from your old world don't apply here!

Kazuma: But I can steal your panties.

Chris: Did you have to say that now?!

Subaru: Well, it's clear that one shot magic doesn't work and it's still down.

Roswaal: You guys better get moving!

The destroyer shoots out beams bringing both of the opposite teams together, along with you and Yuuki joined in with them.

Julius: Subaru! I have a suggestion. We should decide who's going to fight who.

Subaru: That's a good idea, so what's the plan?

Reinhard: We'll handle the teachers. You take the big one.

Subaru: Wait! That thing is clearly the more powerful of the two! Shouldn't you guys be the ones to handle it?

Reinhard: Sorry. My "let someone else take the spotlight" Divine Protection activated...

Subaru: No way! That one is not real! It's hard to tell if that's even a Divine Protection.

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