Chapter 9: Familiar and New People!

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-No one's P.O.V-

So right now, everyone is in Class 2, as Roswaal announced everyone in front of him.

Roswaal: Fieeeld day is cooooming!

Subaru raises his hand and spoke up.

Subaru: Mr. Roswaal, we just had a field trip, and now it's time for a field day? This schedule is weird.

(Y/N): Yeah, isn't it too early for this event, sir?

Kazuma: Yeah, and we barely know what's in this world.

Roswaal: Now, now, work together and win!

Subaru: Do we get something if we win?

Roswaal: Maybe you'll get to go home...Maaaaybe!

Everyone gasped about hearing this and it will be the only chance for them to get home.

Subaru: How are we supposed to win? We're the only ones here.

Roswaal: There is another class next door.

After hearing this, Subaru gets out of the class and goes next door and looks through the window to see a lot of other students.

Subaru: Ehhh?!

(Y/N): Hold up, why would I want to complete in an even while I have the button in my pocket that if I could press it, maybe Kazuma and the others including me could go back home anytime.

Everyone: EHHH?!?!

Kazuma: Why do you have one?!

(Y/N): I dunno, I just felt something bunking on my pocket.


Subaru looks through the window to see a lot of new people including the ones from his own world. THe red haired man sees Subaru out the window and smirks.

Subaru: Reinhard?

That's when Subaru hears a female laughter, as he turns to see a woman with blue and white mask.

Valerie: You there, the boy with the nasty loking glare! While you certainly enjoy watching astonishment, I'd appreciate it if you didn't interrupt my class.

Subaru: Who the hell is that?

Roswaal: Okay, back to class everybooody!

Roswaal walks back to class, as Subaru spoke up.

Subaru: They didn't use this to be a classroom here, right?

Ainz: Did you ever seen it?

Tanya: No, it didn't even existed until today...

-Class 2-

Subaru: The class next door, class 1 seemed to have a few students I recognized.

Ainz: My combat maids, the Pleiades were there too.

Tanya: So class 1 contains additional residents from our worlds. Then, we should assume that the situation here in this world is in a state of flux. And winning the upcoming field day has become an absolute necessity for us. Well, almost all of us.

Ainz: Correct, Mr. Roswaal says that if we win, we can go back to our old worlds, and then there's (Y/N) who can push that button of his and can go home anytime, including his friends.

Subaru: That means beating class 1, right?

Tanya: Ain, what's our strength compared to them?

Ainz: I can say for sure that the Pleides at least, can be defeated easily. What about you Subaru?

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