Chapter 10: Working Together!

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-No one's P.O.V-

Today is now the Field Day, hopefully the last day where everyone can all go home, everyone was together and were ready to win the games. Emilia was standing in front of eeryone.

Emilia: Let's do our best today!

Everyone: Yeah!


Everyone was chatting in the courtyard, that's when...

???: I-I found you!

Everyone turned their attention to see a girl.

Kazuma: Oh! Yunyun!

Yunyun: Megumin! Today, we're having our duel!

Subaru: What's her deal? Friend of yours?

Megumin: I never seen her before in my life. She's probably looking for a different Megumin.

Yunyun: Hey! Hold on! We're rivals for life!

Megumin: So. what do you want?

Yunyun: We, class 3, will win the field day today!

That's when you and Yuuki came in and see Yunyun.

(Y/N): Oh! Heyo, Yunyun!

She saw you that you and Yuuki were waving, as she spoke up.

Yunyun: O-Oh! (Y/N)! Yuuki! Didn't except to see you two here.

Yuuki: Me too.

Then Megumin cleared her throat and spoke up.

Megumin: Anyways, Yunyun, do you even know what a field day is?

Yunyun: You and your friends in the class work together to complete...

Megumin: Do you have any friends to work together with?

Yunyun: Of course I do! Right now, my friends are in my class and are sending me to buy some Yakisoba pan!

Kazuma: Be quiet! You're just making us sad by just listening!

Yuuki: Wait, you said class 3 right?

Yunyun: Yes.

(Y/N): *Sighs* Do you even realize that class 3 that no one is in there? Shouldn't you be in class 1 with the others?

Yunyun blushes in embarrassment by your question.

Subaru: Hey, big bro!

Subaru: Oh, Felt! Geh and Julius!

Felt: Sorry bro, but class 1 will win today!

Julius: "Geh"? That's some greeting, Subaaru, let's have a fair fight like true knights should.

Kazuma: Who the hell is this dude? I don't like him.

Subaru: Yeah, I get it.

Meanwhile with Ainz and he is with the Pleiades and they were all kneeling to him.

Yuri: I'm sorry, Lord Ainz...I had no idea we'd end up on opposite sides...

Ainz: Don't let it trouble you. Yes, you combat maids, the Pleides exist to be my shield...but this is another world now that we are in different classes, there's no need to hold back. I've no interest in this farce of a battle, but let us do our best as rival teams.

Yuri: Thank you for your kind words.

Ainz: (Well it's basically like the team fights we did in our guilds.)

Yuri: There is one matter for concern. There's someone in our class you should be concerned with...

Ainz: Reinhard correct, he seems to have incredible abilities.

Yuri: Yes, I'm sure he's no match for you, but we wanted to make sure you were aware.

Ainz: Very well. I'll keep that in mind.

Minutes later, people from class 1 and class 2 were standing in front of the principle, Megumin stepped up to the mic and prepared for a speech.

Megumin: Attention everyone! It's time for us to released form our oppression-

-Nope, Skip This-

The first event was the jump rope, Demiurge, Beatrice and Aura won the first event.

Class 2 wins by 5 points.

Second Event.

Class 1 wins by grabbing and eating the aple.

Class 1 has 5 points.

Third Event.

Writing Facts, Class 2 has 10 points.

Fourth Event.

Rolling Big Balls, Class 1 wins and has 10 points.

Fifth Event.

The Tug of War with Reinhard and with Cocytus, The Battalion, Kazuma and Darkness were defeated easily by Reinhard.

Class 1 has fifteen points.

Sixth event.

Stealing balls, Kazuma tries to use the 'Steal' Skill, but it didn't affected and Reinhard wins, giving the lead on class 1.

Ainz: We're not getting anywhere.

Tanya: Subaru, what the hell is this guy?

Subaru: I warned you. He's on another level.

Roswaal: Seems that you are having a rough tiiime. But don't worry, the cavalry battle at the end is your chance to win.

-Mini Time Skip-

A few minutes later, everyone was ready for the cavalry battle with Ainz, Subaru, Kazuma, as the horses and Tanya as the rider and they were against Julius, Rienhard and Chris as the horses and Felt as the rider.

They started charging, getting ready to grab at the headbands and rarely getting close, and at the last second another team was in the games, the teachers! With Roswal, Valerie, Rerugen and Pandorar's Actor!

Valeire: Oh my, you have become such serious, so let's spice things up shall we? COME FORTH MY UNDERLINGS!

Suddenly, Valerie's donating clay bombs came out of the ground.

(Y/N): Oh you have got to be shitting me.

Kazuma: Be careful, they explode!

Ainz: I don't care! We charge at our goal! Greater Teleportation!

The team teleported behind the teachers.

Tanya: GOT YOU!

Tanya grabs the headband, winning for her team. Everyone cheers knowing that they are going home. Meanwhile, Rudersdolf and Zettour was watching everything from the window.

Rudersdolf: It seems that the teachers are in the disadvantage.

Zettour: Shall we send it in?

Rundersdolf: Let's see how you handle this students.

He then pulls out the same red button and pushes it. Outside, they hear the ground shaking and cracks all over it and opens. After the smoke settles, all of you see a giant massive spider like robot that you, kazuma and the others that you are familiar with.

Yuuki: What?!

Megumin: That's the mobile fortress!

Kazuma & (Y/N): The Destroyer!

Roswaal: Okay, this time, you will all work together for the main eveeeent!


(A/N: Dang! We're almost at the finale!)

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