Chapter 2

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The next day I wake up get ready and set off to find Harry. First, of course, I look in the great hall and there he is. I sit down as close as I can go him and try to talk to him.

"Harry can we please talk later" I ask. He doesn't answer me. "Please"



I walked to the common room with Fred and George.

"Do you think He'll forgive me?" I ask the twins

" Well you did leave but he can't stay mad at you forever " Fred said. I sighed. We walked in the common room and I sat down on a couch waiting for Harry while the boys went to their dorm probably inventing something.After a little while Harry finally came and sat down next to me.

"Harry I'm sorry I left" I say "it's just if I stayed I wouldn't even been here"

" But what about me" he said "You just left me with those terrible people. You could have at least told me"

" I know I'm sorry" I say

"Its fine I forgive you I mean I need my sister" he says and I smile and hug him.

"Thank Merlin you forgive me I thought you never would" I say as I hug him tightly.

" Laylah.... Air" Harry said. I let go of him and giggle.


"Harry forgave me" I exclaimed happily.

"See I told you not to worry about it" Angelina said

"Where's Hermione?" I hear Harry ask

" Parvati Patil said she wouldn't come out of the bathroom. Said she's been there all afternoon... Crying" one of the boys say.

"TROLLL! IN THE DUNGEON! T-TROLL IN THE DUNGEON" Professor quirell yelled distressed "just thought you'd ought to know" he fainted. All of the students got up screaming.

"SIIIILLLLEEENNNCE!" Dumbledore yelled and everybody froze " Everyone will please not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons. "

Percy led us to the dormitories. I looked around for Harry but I didn't see them.

"Do any of you know where Harry is?" I ask George, Fred and Lee . They all shake their heads.

"Well then I'm gonna find him" I say and start to walk off but Fred grabs me.

"Laylah you can't go you could get hurt and it's against the rules" Fred says. I furrow my eyebrows

"Rules? When did you care about rules?" I say

" Just stay" Fred says I sigh but stop arguing. We do continue to walk to the dormitories with the rest of the group.


"Laylah why don't you just go to sleep?" Fred asks. We've been sitting in the common room, waiting for the three kids that we figured out were not here, since we got here.

"Not until Harry's back I need to know he's okay." I say " I would hate myself if he's not okay and I could've been there to protect him "

"Well I'm going to bed, goodnight" Fred says walking to his dorm.

"Night" I say and the door closes. Only a few minutes later did Harry and Ron and Hermione show up. I stood up and walked over to them.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I ask then examine them .

"We're fine" Harry said

"Good now, What were you thinking?" I asked

" we were getting Hermione, she didn't know about the troll " Ron said. I sighed.

"Well I'm glad you're alright" I say "now off to bed" they all walk to the dormitories.

"I feel like a mom...... I hate it"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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