" hey guys I'm back" you say to the group " where were you?" Aang asks " oh just girl stuff" you say suspiciously then run off to your tent, toph obviously knows your lying so she follows you to your tent and sits down waiting for you, after you unpacked you sat down in front of toph and she asked " what's wrong with you why are you lying With your girl stuff?" "Alright alright I'll tell you but first stick out your hand for me please" and she does as she's told and sticks out her hand Writers note: this is what the headband looks like
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You give her the head band she feels her way around it and punches you while blushing, she had wanted this headband for a while but couldn't get it since everywhere she went it was sold out she was amazed that you were even able to get it " so do you like it?" You ask her nervous for the answer " yeah I guess I do" she says holding back the excitement and switching out her old head band for the new one after she had switched them she got up and was about to leave when you grabbed her hand " hey toph do you like anyone?" You say hoping it would be you " I guess I do have a small crush on someone but I'll let you guys it oh and as a thank you for the present" she kisses you check the walks back out to the group with a small blush on her face " hey toph were did you get the headband from?" Katara asks the blind girl " it was a present" she says walking to her rock tent and she goes of to sleep Sokka, Aang, and katara looks at each other with huge grins on there faces " do you think it's finally happening?" Katara asks them " it has to be" sokka responds and they all go of to sleep