5 gold peices

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Hi! I'm Y/N L/N
And I'm an earthbender but I don't have that much control over my bending power
Many people don't now this but I'm related to avatar Aang my relationship to him is he's my cousin the only family I hand when my family was murdered
I wanted to ask him to teach me earthbending and all but he's doesn't now it yet so I'm on a quest with him katara and Sokka to find a teacher to help us learn earthbending!

Present day
" hey tinkletoes how come Y/N was sleeping inside of my tent today?"
" I don't know why don't you ask her yourself"
Whispers to herself " he's no help at all idiot"
At your tent
"Hey Y/N what were you doing inside my tent today?"
" nothing really I was ju-"
" just what why were you sleeping in my tent"
Your face began to turn red and toph feels this
So she leaves you alone for the time being
2 hours later
You had went into the city to get something for toph to tell her about your feelings for her and apologize for sleeping in her rock tent which was surprisingly comfortable
You had found something you liked and were about to buy it when you checked your wallet
You only had one gold piece and the thing that you wanted to buy was 5 gold pieces where were you going to get 5 gold pieces?!?! what you wanted to buy was the only one left in stock and you knew when you came back with the money it would have been sold out!! suddenly someone had tapped your shoulder and got back into the reality of the world
"Excuse me miss you look like your out of money and I would be happy to help you with it"
"Are you sure I can get 4 gold pieces in time before this runs out" you  point to a beautiful head band that would match with toph's look amazingly
" of course miss...?"
"Y/N, Y/N L/N"
"Alright miss L/N here you go" he hands you 4 gold pieces
"Oh thank you,thank you, thank you!!!! If there's anything I could do to repay you I will"!!!
" oh then will you please work at my tea shop?"
"Of course I would be happy to!!"
With sokaa katara toph and Aang
" hey guys do you now were Y/N is?" Aang asks everyone else
" oh yeah she was blabbering about wanted to buy something to apologize or something like that" sokka responds to Aang's question
Toph POV
Huh I wonder what she's apologizing for
She thinks to herself.

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